Chapter 15

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The sound of morning pour into the bedroom, along with the soft light, Arthit's eyes opened, he found himself still wrapped tightly against his boyfriend's chest, his slow, soft and calm breath hitting to his neck. Waking up with someone next to him is a foreign feeling, the warmth of his body around him was so comfortable that he didn't want to end this.
He turned so that he can face him. He felt peaceful about watching him sleep, kong's chest raising and falling with each breath, he propped himself up on his arm to lean over his body and planted a kiss on his forehead. Smile appeared on his face as  he was still watching his face features, his intoxicating scent...

Shit I have fallen for him badly!

His heart skip a literal beat as Kongpob squeezed his eyes, he carefully was about to slide out of his arms but before that Kongpob took his hand and laced his fingers in his.

"Morning Arthit."

"Morning." Their eyes locked in together. Kongpob's gaze traveled over his face like he wants to memorize every feature..

Every part of his face is perfect.

He smiled softly, he has no words for the gratitude he feel, even after knowing everything still Arthit choose him,
"I am happy. Thank.."

"Sshh." Arthit cut him off,
"Why you keep thanking me? Just stop it, I think you must have already thanked me hundreds of times."

"Then I will make it million times." He paused,
"I am geniuenly grateful. Thanks for choosing me." Arthit didn't say anything, he took a deep breath and gave him a careful smile. His eyes remained fixed with those beautiful and honest eyes.

Kong, I choose you and I will choose you over and over..


Dad, Mom I am back to meet you." Kongpob  knelt down before keeping the flowers in front of his parents headstones. Arthit too followed him, he looked at the two simple and identical headstones, placed side by side...he noticed that the place was properly cleaned.

"...but this time I am not alone. I brought someone special with me." Kongpob catched Arthit's hand and thread his fingers through his.
"Mom, Dad, he is Arthit. A person I Love." He said still holding his hand tightly.
"I both accept us." They both looked at the graves silently for few moments.

"I miss both of you." His voice cracked, sadness clouded his features, his eyes glistened. Arthit squeezed his hand before placing his other hand over the back of same hand. Kongpob looked down at their clasped hands with mixed emotions.

"I am sorry that I never got to know either of you, but I know that you live inside Kongpob. Thankyou for raising a good man like him." Kongpob mouth fell open as he heard his boyfriend words. Arthit bowed his head with closed eyes,

Mom, Dad you don't worry I am always here with Kong. I hope you accept me and give your blessings to us.

Kongpob kept staring at him. He must have done something right that he met a wonderful person like Arthit.

He slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Kongpob who was alreday looking at him. He squeezed his hand to assure that he is not alone, he will be with him everything he wants him.

Arthit freed his hand, Kongpob crouched, reaching out he touched his parents headstones with unsteady fingers and Arthit caressed his shoulder.
After a minute, Kongpob took a long breath and they both stood before turning back to leave,
"What did you talk to my parents?"

"It's a secret."
"Do you come here often?" Arthit asked as they were walking outside.

"Once in a while."

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