Chapter 6

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Yesterday passed in a blur. When Arthit heard the whole story he was seriously concerned about Kongpob.
He was downhearted but tried hard not to show it. He couldn't focus on his work thinking how someone could handle something like this. Indeed! Kongpob was strong, he knows that Kongpob was broken after going through all these incidents. However managing yourself in this state is not easy, sometimes people choose horrible ways to get rid of the situations, they don't understand that life doesn't stop, it continues...continues until you quit.

He wanted to help him with all his heart, he wanted to stay by his side but if Kongpob doesn't want it then he will not force, but then he was afraid what if he got addicted to those pills. He doesn't want him to suffer...whatever maybe the situation, he will always be there for him.

He was already headed somewhere and doesn't know where this route will take him, but he is not afraid.

On other hand, Kongpob kept thinking about the things Arthit said, his mind was in a state of constant turmoil. All the things happened in his life was sudden, suddenly a stranger came in his life and again changed everything.
He hates changes..why can't his life be stable for once.

In all these days he totally forgot about the dream he used to see in his father's eyes, it's not even a month he met that person, he just rekindled the fire of his dreams. What power does that person have? He still doesn't know the relation between Arthit and him.

Who are we to each other?

They are not even that close but still he shared his personal matters to him, doesn't know why? But he felt like sharing it....and that person listerned to his sad story silently.

He doesn't want to be burden, but then Arthit was right if he wants to study he will need more time and money, if he saves the rent he would save maximum money from his earnings.

Damn! This is freaking frustating.

Last night he tried to sleep without taking the medicine he tried hard but failed atlast he took one tablet, but how come that night he could sleep without it. This was still a big question which was annoying him.

He had many questions roaming in his mind like why Arthit was doing all this, What will he get by helping him, Is he having any benefit by doing it, to name a few.
Then he remembered the exact words Arthit said, 'it's not only your father's dream now it's my dream too, I also want to see you becoming an Engineer.' He saw the honesty in that person's eyes, which was forcing him to think about the forgotten matter.


It was late eveing when Kongpob entered his room, it was tough day for him, he was not feeling well so he didn't go to the shift in the restaurant.
He kept thinking about the things happened yesterday and because of that he couldn't concentrate on his work.

He closed the door, sitting on the bed he took a long breath. He was exhausted now...his thoughts were going out of control. He felt like his brain will brust anytime.
He went to take shower to calm himself, after that he felt bit relaxed, he sat on the bed looked at the picture frame.

"Mom, Dad I don't know what to do anymore. Everything is hard for me now. Why you both left me? You always used to say that you will be there with me whenever I need you, then where are you now?" Tears started dripping from his eyes. These feelings were terrible, he knows that no one is going to answer his questions.

"I miss both of you." He wiped his tears before lying on bed and kept staring at the white ceiling. 


Arthit was tired working the whole day as he was working on a new project.

It's 2nd day, he haven't seen Kongpob in cafe and directly came to his condo, because he doesn't want to bother him, he knows that Kongpob needs time to think.
Yesterday he told Kongpob that he can live at his place, it's because he felt that it will be more easy for him to save money that he pays as a rent and apart from that his place was big for an individual he can easily live here and in return he doesn't want anything.

Hold on a little bit longer ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora