Chapter 7

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It was an another day but different from others. Kongpob was sleeping peacefully in his bed, surrounded by the sea of pillows.

The scene was very different...few weeks back he used to toss and turn on the bed, waiting for sleep to take over, but now that's not the thing anymore.

Arthit has told him a technique..'when you are struggling with unwanted thoughts and can't sleep, just close your eyes, turn off all the bad, stressful, noisy thoughts and think about the beautiful things. Visualize things you want to happen in your life, imagining positive and good thoughts can help'

Arthit helped him a lot, he went to the hospital with him, he was also there for him when he left the evening job in the restaurant, he was with him when he enrolled in the college.
He cannot believe that he is going to start to attend the classes from coming Monday.

He couldn't believe that last Evening he shifted in Arthit's condo.

Kongpob was just sitting on the bed after unpacking his bag, he was looking at the picture frame placed on the bedside table. Everything happened so sudden that it felt like someone has waved a magic wand..

He was still deep in his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door,

"It's not lock." Arthit opened the door and entered with a half smile on his face.

"All settled? Is this room comfortable?"

"Of course! It's more than comfortable." This room was way bigger than the room he rented before.

"Glad to know that." Arthit spoke looking around suddenly his gaze stopped on the photo frame.

"My parents."

"Oh!..." Arthit walked to the table and picked the frame.

His eyes darted between Kongpob and the frame.

'He looks more like his father,
Aunty, uncle I promise I will take good care of him from now onwards. He is not alone anymore.'

He stared at the frame for another moment before keeping it back on it's place.

"Go to sleep Kongpob. I am here."

"No, you don't have to. I will..."

"Kongpob lay down and sleep." Kongpob obeyed him without any further talking.
Arthit was still standing near the bed, to make sure Kongpob fells asleep.

Kongpob stared deeply into Arthit's eyes who was waiting for him to sleep.

He feels lucky to meet Arthit,
That day when they went to the doctor, she told him that it was time to stop consuming pills. First he got panicked, thinking about how he will sleep without it, but Arthit made everything easy.

From that day he decided to do everything Arthit wants him to...

"But I don't want you to suffer from muscle pain..." He finally broke the silence, he didn't want Arthit to suffer because of his stupid reasons.

"I know...that's why I will be going to sleep in my room." Kongpob gave a short nod in relieved, he stared up at the ceiling,
Until now he didn't realized that he has actually started to worry about Arthit.

"Now, sleep." Arthit voice was small yet clear, as he said the other closed his eyes. Arthit kept patting his forehead until he drifted in sleep. He pulled away his hand, before leaving the room he beamed a smile.

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