Chapter 4

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After finishing his shift, Kongpob stepped out of the cafe, he looked around but today, he didn't see Arthit.

In all these days he realized that, after his parents, for the first time he felt like someone is there with him, he felt alive..he never thought that a stranger could make him feel this...he cheered his soul! He feels something that he cannot describe it in words. Is it normal to feel this way? He doesn't have the answer though..

He was always a kind of person who believed in doing his own business, he never interfered in anyone's life but for the first time he wants to do that, he knows he was behaving somewhat different, but doesn't want to stop this.

Even though their ride from cafe to the restaurant might be hardly for 6 to 7 minutes but he waits all day for this moment, to live this moment, even though they don't talk much, even though half of the time taxi is filled with silence.
It's sad that sometimes we create bond with certain people in no time...but suddenly they disappear.
Today, there was no sign of that person.

He might be having extra work in the office.

That day when he came to know that the other one was an Engineer, he felt guilty and last one year memories flashed through his mind like a film.

He entered the pharmacy which was located next to the cafe.

"Hey Kong!" The pharmacy owner greeted him with a grin on his face.

"Hello P'Ice." He greeted him back with a feeble smile.

"So medicine?" He nodded
"But you know I won't give you without prescription."

"I know phi. Even I don't purchase medicines without prescription." Kongpob spoke pulling out the prescription from his pocket.
As he gave it to him the owner kept the bottle on the counter, he tried to remember something,

And suddenly remembered,
"Hey wait but last time only you purchase this Kongpob, right?" He snapped his brows toghter and asked.

"Yes phi, but I seriously don't know where I kept it, I searched it but now it's nowhere to found I think I lost the bottle. So again I had to take an appoinment and purchase it.

"Ohhh I thought.." Kongpob cut in,

"Don't worry phi I am not rich to spend money unnecessarily." The other smiled knowingly.

"Hmm I know." He nodded payed the money, after bidding him goodbye he left the place.
Ice was the owner of the pharmacy, as it was located beside the cafe, they know each other well.

But little did he know Arthit was standing there and heard everything he even saw the bottle of sleeping pills from the corner of his eyes, it was a big shock for him, he was actually afraid of something like this...

Why he has to take sleeping pill?

Of course he knows the answer because he cannot sleep, but why he cannot sleep? he wants to know the reason.

"Excuse me." A voice brought him back from his thoughts.


"Do you want to purchase it." A person pointed out a toothpaste that was on the counter

"...yes." He was actually waiting for Kongpob when he remembered that he has to purchase a toothpaste, luckly he saw the pharmacy so he came here, but he didn't expect that he will come across something like this.

That day too he saw that Kongpob became sad when he answered him that he is an Engineer and now...What's up with this guy?
What should I do? This is dangerous.

He was really shocked by the newly found information about the person, the whole different information. He walked out after paying the bill.
Kongpob was not there he already left. He too went back to his condo, again with many questions in his mind.


As days were passing he was knowing more about Kongpob.
Honestly he couldn't sleep that night, his mind was occupied by Kongpob.

Kongpob on the other hand felt strange because Arthit didn't show up for last 2 days. He kept thinking about the other, expecting him to come but there was no sign.

He doesn't even know anything about him apart from his name 'Arthit' and he is an 'Engineer', so he started to convince himself that he will not come anymore, yet deep inside he was still hoping that person will show up.

It is true that 'you should not expect much, if those expections are not fulfilled you will be disappointed' he was exactly feeling the same.

He looked at the small wooden picture frame, in which he was standing in the middle with his parents beside him, he was happily smiling showing his white teeth, it was one of the best days of his life.

He still remember, it was his 16th birthday and his parents invited close relatives to celebrate. Time flies so fast, but gives you abundance of memories forever.

Those days were really good.

He sometimes talks with his parents when he feels restless and after talking he definitely feels some good changes.


Kongpob came out of the cafe after finishing his shift and saw Arthit leaning against the car. His face lighted and his mood lifted, he walked to him,

"Arthit..." His smile was like a sudden sunrays when fill the dark room, but Arthit kept staring at him with neutral face. In these 2 days first he thought not to see him anymore but then he changed his mind and decided to go deep into this..what if he can help him, now the things were different because they were not strangers anymore atleast for him..

"Arthit." Kongpob waved his hand in front of him to bring him out of his thoughts.

Arthit gulped,
"Why you have to take sleeping pills?" A straightforward question came from the other, Kongpob stood aghast when he heard it. His eyes widened.

How he came to know?

"Huh? What?" He asked to confirm,

"I am asking why you purchased sleeping pills?" Arthit once again repeated his question in slightly high pitch.

He never thought that someone will ask this question to him, a question which has a long story behind it, Kongpob pressed his eyes, opening it he replied,
"I am not bound to answer you? Who are we Arthit?" He was still calm, Arthit doesn't know the answer, he doesn't know what their relation is, but one thing was sure he wants to knows all the answers. Maybe he was being stubborn, maybe there could be some other reasons...he doesn't know but now he was left with no option,

So holding his wrist he stopped the taxi,

"Where are you taking me? You are forcing me." Kongpob spoke trying to remove his hand from Arthit's tight grip but failed, he was shocked because of suddend action. Arthit glanced at him and paid him no mind and made him sit in the taxi and the taxi straight went to Arthit's condo.


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