Chapter 3

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The piercing sound of the alarm brought him back from his deep sleep. He reached the clock and turned it off still half asleep. He started to wriggle within his warm, cosy bed.

Finally opening his eyes fully he sat on the bed resting his back against the headboard. Then he turned his face towards the living room as he heard the chriping sound of birds, as if they are calling the owner to fill the empty pots.

Arthit smiled to himself, got out of the bed after wearing his slippers he went to the balcony in the living room and filled one pot with water and another with grains.

He came back to his room, made his bed and walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth, after getting fresh, he came outside and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for himself, it was saturday, he has to do some chores like brooming, isn't possible for him to do it everyday.

After completing his chores he went to take shower, got dressed, packed his bag and left the condo to go to his home. He took a cab, it takes one and a half hours to reach there.

He was sitting, listerning to the music on radio when he remembered that he will not be able to see Kongpob for next 2 days, it's been a week they started to share a taxi together, don't know how and when but it happened, he still has few questions in his why he has to work as a cashier? Why he goes to the resturant?..

Should I ask him?

But then he doesn't know him properly yet, and he knows all these questions are can he ask such personal question to him? Are these question even valid because after all they are nothing to each other and why he will answer such questions.

He took a long breath and watching the rush on the road,

I don't know, why I want to know all this?

After covering a long distance he reached home, as he did he saw his father sitting in living room. He ran towards him, sat beside him and hugged him tightly.

"How are you?" His father smiled and asked,

"Fine." Arthit replied in low voice.
"What about you? Are you taking your medicines properly? Are you eating on time....?" He didn't complete his sentence when his father interrupted,

"Now don't start with your questions ok. I am taking care of myself and your mother takes care of me so..don't worry...and you ask me about it everyday." He is worried about him as his father is a Diabetic patient.

"Oh my Oon is here." Before Arthit say something further his mother came from the kitchen. He stood, walked to her and hugged her tightly. He missed both of them.

Actually when he started the job he used to go to his company from here, but as his work started increasing he used to get exhausted as he used to cover such a long distance. So, his parents insisted him to live near the office it would be convenient for him, he never argued but wanted to stay with his parents as he is the only child, he wanted to take care of them. However, it wasn't possible so he try to come here every weekend to spend quality time with them.

"Today I cooked all your favourite food." Her mother smiled caressing his hair.

"Mom I missed you and your cooking too." Arthit kissed her forehead and smiled back.

"I know that but first go and get fresh." He nodded before walking to his room.

He kept his bag on the bed, washed his face, changed his clothes before going downstairs and his parents were waiting for him, he walked and sat beside them.

"Oon start eating." She kept her hand on Arthit's hand.

"Yes mom." Arthit replied taking the spoon in his hand.
She can see his changed behaviour, whenever he comes to meet them he is always smiling and enjoy the food made by her but today...

"Arthit how is your work going?" Don't take too much work stress."

"'s just sometimes I have to work overtime."

"Oh. But why am I feeling like you are not okay, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." He shook his head.

"Everything will be fine Oon." His mother finally spoke to make him feel good, on which Arthit nodded and he decided not to think about anything else...he will spend these days with his family.

Arthit was sitting in the canteen with Knot as they took a short break,

"A..Knot!" Arthit called him, the other looked up at him.


"What should I do know...I want to ask question to someone...and that someone is stranger?"

"Someone you don't know? But why do you want to ask questions to a stranger?"

"That's exactly what I am seeking to answer." He muttered,


"Nothing. Just tell me."

"What can I say..go ahead, if that person is comfortable answering your questions then that person will answer, actually that depends from person to person that how they will react. So even if you try, be safe because if the person is aggressive...can harm you." Knot answered and sipped his latte.
"By the way you are behaving exactly opposite to your nature." Knot added looking at him with narrowed eyes, Arthit ignored that..

Actually Knot was right, he was not like this...
And what if Kongpob became angry.
Should he take this step or not? It was not like he was afraid but still...

Why I want to do all these? What the hell is happening in my life. Why I want to know about that person.

After the office he took the same route, today Knot asked him why he changed the route...he told him that it's short cut way to his condo which was actually right but he had an another reason too but he cannot tell him.

As he reached he peeked from the glass door but didn't see him,

"Hello!" He startled and his eyes widened hearing the familiar voice, he turned around and saw Kongpob standing in front of him.

"Looking for someone?" Kongpob raised his brows.

"Huh?" No...I mean yes looking for taxi."

"Oh me too." Arthit nodded and they both waited but didn't get one.

"Let's walk their maybe we can find one." Kongpob spoke pointing at the main road.

"Yes." Saying this they started walking,

"Isn't it strange that we cannot find a taxi single taxi here?" Kongpob spoke looking around,

"Ya it is." Arthit replied, in a few steps they found one and they both sat inside.

"Don't you have to go to the restaurant?" Arthit heard the different address so he asked, after which he felt awkward but he wants to know it, unaware of the reason why he wants to know.

"No I don't have shift today." He immediately replied to Arthit and he didn't feel any wrong telling him that.

"You work there?" Arthit asked him surprisingly.

"Yes it's my part time job."

"Ooh." Arthit was still confused why he has to do part time jobs.

"So....what is your profession?"

"I am an Engineer."

"Wow! Lucky you." Kongpob smiled sadly. Arthit can see the sadness on other's face.

What happened to him suddenly?

Although he wanted to ask more but it will be too fast...he wanted to know more about this stranger, was he still a stranger to him. Arthit didn't know where all this will go, but he doesn't want this person to be sad.


Hello everyone,
I hope you all are fine,
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