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It was 9 in the evening, after dinner Arthit was sitting crossed legged on the brand new L shaped sofa sank luxuriously into the thick gray carpet. Looking around the living room, it was beautifully renovated, they both chose everything together with the lastest trend...
"Arthit what flavour icecream do you want? Strawberry? Mango?" Kongpob asked in high pitched voice from their dream kitchen so that Arthit could hear him, but then he quickly walked to see his expression.

"Nooooo Kong, I want chocolate flavour." Arthit whined and Kongpob chuckled as he didn't miss the pout on that gorgeous face, he laughed looking at those puffy white cheeks.
He walked to the refrigerator and brought icecream for both of them.

"Hmm...for you." He held the bowl in front of Arthit who was peering at the TV screen, without even looking at it he took it from his hand and started eating like a small kid. Kongpob giggled which caught Arthit's attention and he gazed at him,

"What happened?" He raised an eyebrow,

"You eat like a child." Kongpob pulled one of his cheeks hardly and squeezed it,

"Emmmm...Kong." He whined and removed his cheek from his grasp before rubbing it.

"You know chocolate is my favourite..."

"Hmmm...I know." Kongpob replied swallowing spoonful of icecream.
After finishing the icecream, Arthit kept the empty bowl down on the coffee table.

"Kong mom called me today and invited us for dinner."

"Oh I totally forgot about that she call me too, so let's go." Arthit still couldn't believe how his mom accepted Kongpob as her own son, he was glad, but sometimes he felt little jealous.

When Arthit's gaze shifted at his boyfriend, he had a contemplative look upon his face, but he didn't really know what he was thinking, he ignored it and looked away thinking he was tell him when he is ready...


After lunch Kongpob was helping mom to wash the dishes. As she was in a good mood, he decided to ask,

"Mom I want to ask you something." Mother immediately shifted her gaze on him, she was curious, she closed the tap and asked,

"Yes what do you want to ask?" She took the handkerchief and wiped her hands, waiting for Kongpob to speak,

"Actually...I wanted to ask for the permission.." he hesitated to speak,
"I want to take a next step. I want to marry P'Arthit." Her eyes widened, she was surprised at first then her expression changed and she smiled softly while holding Kongpob's arm..

"You have decided then go ahead. You have my permission."

"Mom...thankyou." He hugged her tightly. In all these days their bonding grew stronger. For her Kongpob was her another son and for Kongpob she was like her mother.

They parted,"did you ask my husband, because if you haven't he will keep whinning." Kongpob's laugh was short and low.

"I know mom I already asked for his permission, though he didn't say yes, but he didn't deny."

"That's fine he is like that only, if you already told him then go ahead." He nodded and continued washing the utensils.

"Mom what do you think, how will he react?"

"My answer is NO...." Before his mother formulate a response, a voice fell on their ears. They both turned only to see Arthit was standing near the door. His expression was neutral and unpredictable. In no time he turned around and walked from there.

Kongpob who was excited earlier, a fleeting expression of sadness crossed his face, he couldn't believe Arthit just heard and rejected him. He thought that now everything was in its right place. He was excited and took permission from everyone, even from his grandpa...but he didn't know that it will turn out this way.

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