Chapter 10

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Kongpob when entered the condo, he found that Arthit was already back but was not alone, he saw another guy with him. It seemed like they were very close to each other, both were talking and smiling...he couldn't bear to watch it.

Who is he?

He pushed the thought and was taking off his shoes, when he heard his name being called, "Kongpob." Knot too lifted his head to see,

"Ohh, he is Kongpob." He said with a raising eyebrow.

"Hmmm." Arthit nodded in reply.

"Ah, so Kongpob he is my..." Arthit was introducing when Knot interrupted,

"Boyfriend." When he completed the sentence, Kongpob's smile disappeared, he clenched his fist tightly not wanting to think about it furthur, but he felt pain in his chest, his face suddenly looked dull and shocked, eyes wide staring at Arthit. He didn't know this word can make him feel like this.

Shit! What's wrong with me?

He looked away before pressing his fist on the shoe rack, his palm starting to turn red.

Knot was studying Kongpob's sudden change of expression when Arthit spoke,
"Knot. What nonsense!" He shifted his gaze on the peraon sitting next to him and saw that Arthit was glaring at him.

"Ok ok, I was just kidding you continue..."  
Arthit shook his head before continuing, Kongpob felt relieved to hear that,
"Kongpob he is Knot, my bestfriend and colleague and Knot he is my friend and housemate." After hearing a proper introduction from Arthit, his face again brightened, but for a few second he felt like everything was empty.

He immediately walked to them and greeted with a bright smile, "Hello P'Knot."

"Hello Kongpob. Finally we met and he is right, you are really handsome."

"Phi, who told you I am handsome because we are meeting for the first time if I am not wrong." Kongpob asked him out of curiosity. He wanted to know.

Knot pointed his finger towards Arthit,
"He told me." Arthit was bit coy when his bestfriend replied,

"Oh, what else did he say?" Kongpob asked looking at Arthit who was pretending to read something.

"He said that Kongpob is nice person, well behaved, hard working, he has a good academic record..." But when Knot didn't stop, He gritted his teeth and glared at his stupid bestfriend.

Why is he telling him everything? Kongpob this...Kongpob that.

"Stop it Knot." He nudged him with his elbow to stop him and turned his face when Kongpob spoke.

"Huh? Really? Kongpob was astonished, he didn't know that Arthit told about him to his bestfriend, but it felt so good hearing that Arthit praised him.

"Kongpob, you go and get fresh." Kongpob nodded,
"Nice meeting you P'Knot."

"Same here Kongpob." He smiled, glanced at Arthit who was looking down before walking to his room.
Knot who was watching them, can see a flash of something.

After confirming that Kongpob when to his room, he spoke, "Knot why you have to speak so much? Why you told all those things to him? And you were the one who asked me if he is handsome."

"Ya, I was the one, I totally forgot about that." Arthit rolled his eyes.

"Now he must be thinking that I am a gosspier and all credit goes to you." Knot chuckled looking at him.

"Its nothing like that, didn't you watch his face was glowing with happiness when he heard that you praised him..?"

"Shut up." He rubbed his temple, his gaze went down.

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