Chapter nine: Arguing

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I felt someone rapidly shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a small figure in front of me, "Daddy! Uncle Jimmy wants to talk to you!" I heard Naoh's voice say, acknowledging me waking up. My throat felt dry and my leg hurt; I don't think I'll be able to get up. I groaned as I turned to the other side, "Tell him I'll be down in a bit." I said, grabbing my blanket and covering my whole body under it. I heard footsteps slowly get fainter and a door opening. I slowly lifted the blanket from my face and turned to the door and saw that no one was there. I sighed in relief before sitting up and stretching. Jimmy is definitely going to give me a lecture about me hanging out with Karl the other night—or ask me to massage his back after filming all those crazy videos for MrBeast. I slid myself out of my comfy bed and headed to the bathroom. As I entered I lost my balance, hitting the sink almost. I quickly grabbed either side of the sink, slowly lifting myself up. I took a deep breath before lifting my head up to look at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible, my eyes were puffy and my beard and hair were messed up. I sighed, turning the tap on and splashing water in my face.

It was ten o'clock in the morning when I woke up and now it's midday. Jimmy left at ten to film another video with his crew and said he'll be back so he can talk to me about something. I immediately knew exactly what it was when he said it. I was sitting on the couch scrolling through TikTok while Noah and Mai were watching TV. I came across a Karlnap video, it was about yesterday when I gave Karl the Dandelion, it was an animation. At the start it had the audio of me saying 'For you, Karl Jacobs' as I handed him the Dandelion, and there was faint music in the background, but then the music became louder and I could hear someone singing. I knew what song it was, 'Dandelions' by: Ruth B. The TikTok then ended with Karl and I's silhouettes laughing. I smiled as the TikTok looped, "Someone's happy today?" A voice said from behind me, I turned around and saw my older brother, Punz. He didn't seem quite happy even though looked like he had showered and got dressed, "What do you want, Punz?" I asked, closing my phone.

"Well, earlier, I saw clips of what happened on your stream last night." He simply said, walking over and sitting next to me.

I sighed, "Punz, please, not this again!" I pleaded to him, making Noah turn to look at us, Mai didn't seem to be bothered.

Punz let out a laugh as he put his hand on my, "No, I'm not mad! I'm actually quite happy that you finally had the confidence to ask someone out instead of them asking you!" He said. I could tell he was lying because he usually acts like this when he's trying to hide his anger, "Punz, I'm your brother, you can't fool me now." I said, crossing my arms.

He sighed out of defeat, "God, I should've gone to acting when Mom told me to!" He slumped his back on the hand rest of the couch, "But, even so, you'll still know." He groaned, making Noah and I giggle, but it was true since I would tell the difference between his acting and real reaction. Noah crawled over to Punz, "Uncle Luke!" He said, making Punz look down at him, "What do you want, Noah?" He asked, sounding unbothered.

He grinned widely, "What happened with Dada and Karl last night?" He asked, curiously.

"That's what he said." Mai said, still keeping her eyes on the TV, "But, actually what happened?" She asked, finally turning her gaze to us.

"Well, this idiot over here gave Karl a Dandelion in Minecraft and Twitter is going crazy about it." He said, pulling out his phone and showing us that all his feed is full of fanart of that one clip.

Mai tilted her head, "Oh, I think I was there and watched it, confused about what just happened." She said with a slight smile across her face.

Punz smirked, "Can't wait for my feed to be full of 'Mai-Innit' fanart of Tommy giving you a Poppy." He said, making me smirk as well. I could see Mai's slight blush. She let out a laugh, "I bet he doesn't even know what a Poppy is in the first place! Also, isn't Noah's first day at daycare tomorrow?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah, he'll have to go to bed early then." I said.

It was ten o'clock at night already. Noah fell asleep on the couch and I was the only one around to get him to bed. I lay his small, fragile body on his baby blue bed. I gently pulled his soft blanket over his body and tucked him in, "Good night, Noah, I love you." I gently kissed forehead and ruffled his hair before heading to the light switch and turning the lights off. I closed the door behind me and went downstairs to get myself some water when I saw Jimmy's figure leaning against the counter while holding a half bitten apple, "Hey, Sap." He said, turning his gaze to me.

I smiled, heading behind the counter to get the water, "Hey, how was the recording?" I asked, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. I stood up and placed the water on the counter and left to grab a banana from the fruit basket we had.

He took a bite from the apple and crunched harshly on it, "Good, Karl was talking about you all the time, how kind and mature you were with him yesterday." He said after he swallowed the apple bite, his voice was cold and harsh.

I twisted the bottle cap open and took a sip, "Oh, yeah, about that—"

He sighed, "Sap, I told you that I would figure something out, did you have to talk to him!" He yelled at me, turning around and slamming the counter.

I got a bit mad and decided to stand up for myself, "He wouldn't leave the VC! What did you want me to do?!" I yelled back, causing him to flinch.

He crossed his arms and shook his head, "God, you're such a dumbass! You should've left the call by then!" His voice got louder and more harsher. I haven't heard or seen him like this before.

I put my hand in my hair, "That wouldn't have been necessary and you would still get mad at me even so!" I could feel my blood boil as my voice got as harsh and loud as Jimmy's, "And even if he does talk about me that doesn't mean I'll get married or even date him!"

Jimmy sighed, putting his apple on the floor, "Well, if he says you're handsome and funny, and let's not forget that YOU mister have a CRUSH on him that definitely forbids that from happening right?!" I was shocked at what I heard, it was either Jimmy's voice or hearing that Karl thinks I'm handsome shocked me, "I guess you have my blessings, Sap." I heard him say before heading to his room.

A/N; Changed the last dialogue a bit

Word count; 1244

Edited; Nah

Hope you have a good day or night!

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