Hours have gone by, Victoria was cold, starving, dirty and tired, simply tired of her so called life.

Before she can think about anything else the cell doors banged open, and she knew exactly who it is.

"If it's my little Victoria!" The man grinned evilly looking at Victoria's shaking figure.

The first rule, keep your eyes down because he's superior then you.

"Tell me do you like your new cell?" He mockingly asked.

I knew way better to say yes instead of no.

"Yes sir." I replied back my voice shaky. In this case my whole body was shaking.

I felt my hair being tugged harshly making my scalp cry out in pain.

"I felt really bored today while taking care of other whores but now that I'm here again..." he spoke while grinning showing his yellow teeth, one of them missing.

I felt a bile of throw up in the back of my throat but swallowed it back down. Fucking disgusting.

"Are you ready my little slut?" He questioned even tho whatever my answer is he'll do whatever he planned.

Other rule, second rule, answer whatever he asks in full sentences unless he says don't speak which can always be a surprise depending on his mode.

"Yes I'm ready." I responded.

Without any warning he shoved my head back against the hard cold wall.

I cried out in pain, it hurt so badly I swear I can feel blood oozing down.

My ear's where ringing along with my head.

"Ah such a pleasant sight." He said dreamily. I swear this guy is crazy fucking insane.

With that he continued torturing me like no others, my cries, pain all over me but no one was there to save me.

-Flashback Over-


"Victoria I'll see you soon.." I heard someone say.

Darkness, is all Victoria see's. Where am I? Is this hell? Oh my gosh where is the devil himself?

With her thoughts she fell in to deep darkness, sleep all over again.

On the other hand Chris had landed in Italy and was making his way to the hospital Victoria was in. He was nervous he never thought this would happen to Victoria.

Hour's later he made it to the hospital and went to the receptionist.

"I'm here to see Victoria Mia." Chris stated as quick as possible.

"I'm sorry that's private and I can't allow you in."

Excuse me?

"I was informed of what happened and I know Victoria personally." I tried.

"Hold on I will call Mr. Ricci." She dialled a phone number on the hospitals phone.

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