Chapter Eight: Peace and Serenity

Start from the beginning


"No. We had a deal, I get my apartment you give it to me and I don't stay with you."

"Louisa get in the car."

"No." I said walking away.

"I don't want you in another apartment because Alister needs someone with him every day okay. I used to be at home with him often but with work, I haven't been around as much, I need to know he's safe with someone at home while I'm working so late." He said and I turned to him with fake sympathy.

" want me to feel sorry for you because you're a working dad...oh the's not like women have responsibilities like this and still make it work...oh...cry me a river!" I said faking a sad face before turning to walk away again. I didn't hear anything from him so I figured he left me alone-

My thoughts were cut short when I was scooped off the ground.

"Atticus!" I said and he just threw me over his shoulder and walked to his car.

"Atticus put me down!" I said hitting his back. Wow his shoulders were really broad. I felt his hand hard on my ass cheeks and I jumped a little.
My mouth was gaping widely as I could not believe what he just did.

"Stubborn." He muttered under his breath but I heard him, oh I heard him loud and clear!

"What did you just call me? SOMEBODY HELP! Do you know this is a kidnapping? You can be charged for this."

"Shut up Louisa, all you do is talk!" He said before putting me in the front seat and buckling the seatbelt. I tried to fight him when he put me down in the chair.
Atticus finally got tired of me hitting him and decided to grab me by the neck, this wasn't meant to hurt me, instead it made me feel hot, I wanted to be held like that by him.
My breathing slowed as his hand gripped my neck, he brought my face closer to his, our breaths mingling in one another's face, his mint breath like a mask on mine.

"Sit down." He said through gritted teeth and I listened. He let go of my neck and locked the door before coming around the next side.
He got into the car and took us to his house. The entire trip was quiet since he did that, I felt like an obedient school girl. He kept looking over at me to see if I was okay.

We arrived at his house and he parked the car in front of the fountain. I unbuckled the seatbelt calmly and carefully just in case he had any other surprises.

"Did I hurt you?" He turned to me staring deep into my eyes and I just shook my head.

"Good, then bring your voice back." He said before jumping out of the car and just like that my anger for him came back.

"I thought you wanted me to shut up!"

"There she is." He said picking up my box.

"I can take it myself."

"I don't wear Victoria Secret I'm more of a Tommy Hilfiger type of girl." He said rolling his eyes. "I'm not going to steal your underwear Louisa." He said and I rolled my eyes. I heard the door open and saw Alister come outside.

"Daddy! Daddy!" He said running to Atticus and he placed my box down and picked him up.

"Hello, what you been up to?" He said kissing him on his forehead.

"I played with my toys!" He said before clapping and Atticus's face lit up.

"That sounds cool." He said smiling at him before ruffling his hair. "Guess what?"


"You got to guess."

"I have a girlfriend." He said and I chuckled at his comment.

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