"It's good!!" said Prince Maxis who sat up properly, Elizabeth gave him a piece of serviette and told him to wipe the cake off his mouth which he quickly did to avoid any more embarrassment.

"Alright since we have the design we just need the date of your wedding and book another date for a taste test to see if you want to change anything else!" said AJ as they stood up to end the meeting.

"Sure!" replied Elizabeth, pretending not to be excited to see how the cake really looked like in real life.

"Prince Maxis about the production line, when can we look at it?" asked AJ.

"Tomorrow is that alright?" replied Maxis.

"It's great , thank you!!"

"We will go right after breakfast!!" said Maxis as he walked back into the palace for his next meeting with King Matthew. Elizabeth did not say anything and followed Maxis in. AJ and Dina looked at each and gave a cheeky smile when they saw how protective Elizabeth was when it comes to Maxis.


Prince Maxis opens the chamber door of King Matthew door and walks towards his father who was on the phone. King Matthew signaled his son to wait for him, Maxis nodded his head and looked out of the window only to see AJ, Dina, Anna and Bethany were laughing and enjoying more cake in the yard. They were happy and laughing, he suddenly remembered the days AJ and him were that close. The days that AJ would irritate him and he would irritate her back. Those laughing and smiles make his heart skip a beat, the feeling was warm which made him smile without notice his father was actually calling him. King Matthew taps his son's shoulder and almost makes him jump.

"Father!!" called Prince Maxis.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes...yes..." said Maxis as he turn around from the window when his father says,

"Whenever I look at AJ, she always reminds me of your mother!!" Maxis looked at his father and looked at AJ who was serving tea. She was not ashamed to be serving the servant or anyone lower status than her.

"Your mother was a clever woman but AJ to build an empire with nothing was brilliant!!" impressed King Matthew.

"Yeah...it was brilliant!"

"Right...and how selfless she was to even disguise herself as a servant just so to look for her long lost sister!"

"About that...are they really sisters? I mean no disrespect but they have different skin tones!" asked Maxis trying to be sure what AJ claims is the truth, he wanted to ask Anna but he always loses a chance as Anna keeps avoiding him.

"Yes...AJ showed me their paternity test and also a picture of their parents!" said King Matthew as he walked back to his desk and sat down while Maxis still looked out.

"Maxis...when she was a servant she could actually steal something more valuable than your mother's things!!" said King Matthew out of the moon. Maxis turned to his father and looked at him cluelessly.

"Other valuable things? Mum things..."

"They are valuable to you even if she sells she would not get much, other than a few gold bars and a stack of cash which I kept in the safe of my study chamber!!" said King Matthew as he pointed his finger to the picture of his late wife beside the door. Maxis looked at it and turned back to his father.


"She saw that one time when she was cleaning the chamber. Apparently it was not closed properly when I opened it. AJ closed it and left me a message on the file I was looking at to inform me that the safe door was open and to check if anything was missing."

"She closed the safe!!" asked Maxis, shocked to hear his father confessing to something that he was not aware of.

"James looked at the camera and confirmed her action, she closed it and did not take anything! So now let's go back to the question of why would someone like her, a very rich billionaire, want to steal your mother's things even when she already knows the location where the gold bar was?" question King Matthew to his son.

All this while, Maxis has been accusing AJ for stealing his mother's things and now he knows about this accident. He was wrong, so wrong that he had made her a thief, he had made someone he really liked a thief not only that he threw money at her face. His heart just stopped for a second, his heart was right all along AJ would never hurt him, AJ was right she would never hurt him and in actual fact he was the one that hurt her the most.

King Matthew saw his son expression and saw regret, he stood up, walked over to his son and tapped his shoulder and says,

"You know what to do, son!!!" King Matthew decided to give him space and leave the chamber so that his son would not be more ashamed of what he did. 

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