Chapter 12

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The servant quarter was very quiet as most of the servants have already gone to bed after 10.30 pm but AJ eyes could not shut as she already sleeps in Maxis room right after she took Maxis dinner to him.

AJ toss her body to the right and saw Anna was soundly asleep, she must have a good day that even in her sleep Anna was smiling happily. But sadly AJ could not take it and sit up. She wanted to do something to make herself tired and she knows one way to make herself tired. AJ gets out of the bed and walk out of her bedroom quietly and went down to the canteen kitchen to herself a night snack.

AJ went to the big fridge, open the door latch it and walk into the fridge. She looked around and grab what she need and walk out of the fridge, place it on the counter before she walk to the dry pantry, she took what she need and place it on the table and start to prep the ingredient.

Bethany's eyes suddenly open, somehow her mind and body could not stop her from waking up. She felt something was different that night. It was not the night air, it was not her room or her bed or if she has forgotten to eat her medicine but she could feel something was off that night. Bethany gets off her bed, wore her fluffy pink bedroom slipper, and walks out of her room.

The moment she walk out from the room her nose start to sniff something, something that she never smell before, something that is making her stomach growl. Her nose starts to sniff some more that she starts to follow the trail of scent.

The more she sniff it the more her stomach wanted to taste the smell, it so delicious once she reach the destination want to eat a whole plate of it. But once she rach the destination not only did she smell the delicious smell but the whole servant team was already at the canteen having the delicious smell.

She opens the door and saw her staff was already sitting in the canteen having the soup that AJ was making for herself. One by one bowl was full of the delicious soup and rush to the available seat to eat it.

Bethany looked at everyone and she could not believe her eyes. They should be sleeping now but they are here eating at night. One of the servants was walking to the available seat when he saw someone in front of him was blocking his way, he looked up and was taken aback to see Bethany was in front of him,

"MA'AM!!" he loudly called her. Everyone in the canteen stops what they were doing and looked their way. When they saw Bethany freeze, they know that they are in trouble. AJ who was in the kitchen walk out with another pot of gumbo and place it on the counter as earlier Anna told her that the pot is finishing.

Right after she made it for herself and was about to bring the bowl of soup outside she saw the other servants standing outside of the kitchen looked at her while looking at the bowl she was holding.

She could not eat it knowing the other have already seen her with the boul of soup. She then decided to make for them but when she was cooking one by one walk into the canteen and saw what she was doing, she end up have to cook, Anna who was soundly asleep wake up and help her.

When AJ place the pot on the counter, she realizes everyone was looking at the door and saw Bethany was in the middle of the canteen looking at all of them.

"Ma'am I have one more pot on the stove...grab a bowl!" said AJ before she walks into the kitchen without realizing what she did. Other than being shock she also feels hungry,


Everyone there immediately looked away as they could hear Bethany stomach was growling, Bethany immediately cover her stomach hoping no one can hear but it was too late.

"Bethany why don't you grab a bowl and join me!!" Bethany looked to her right and saw Butler James was also there, the smell was too powerful that she can even resist it. Bethany walk to the cover and Anna give her a bowl of gumbo.

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