Chapter 14

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AJ pass Maxis a glass of water for him to take with his medicine, the doctor have given him more medicine for his leg which at first Maxis protest but when AJ got so angry that she attempts to throw all the medicine and threaten to go down at the pharmacy and throw all the medicine which Maxis immediately agree to take whatever medicine the doctor given him.

"It isn't that easy!!" said AJ as she took the glass from him after Maxis drank and swallowed the medicine down.

"Easy for you to say! I'm the one who has to swallow the medicine!!"

"But I am the one who has to give it to you!! It's very heavy you know!!" argue AJ as though the medicine is stone and she has to carry them from the doctor's office up to three to four stairs.

"Yeah right!!" scoff Maxis as he slammed him back onto his bed, having enough with AJ making him do what he doesn't want.

"You should be thankful that I do whatever you asked!" said Maxis trying to make AJ feel bad but AJ did not feel a thing, his word does not hurt her.

" should thank me. I helped you alot!!" argues AJ as she stands in front of the shelves which Maxis displays things he likes and also boxes of things he did not want to see anymore on the top shelf.

"HAH....please thanking you!! I did it for you!! Or else you will be thrown out of here!!"

"Oh.. just because I did a million things wrong and you have to help me not get fired I should thank you!!" shouted AJ as she bangs the shelf with her hand.

"Of course...and I am a prince!! PRINCE!! But no you still call me bearman!!! If you live in the olden days your head would be chopped off!! Be thankful that you are in this century!!" screamed Maxis as he sat up back.

"If we were in the old days you would have already died!! HA!!" replied AJ as she bangs the shelf so hard that the shelves fall, all the things which were on the shelves fall onto her and she falls down together with all of Maxis' things that bury with it.

"AJ!!" screams Maxis when the shelves fall onto her.

"AJ...AJ....Anna..Anna somebody...somebody help!!!" scream Maxis as loud as he can. He looked at AJ but she did not move, he became extremely worried, his mind blank. He needs to help her but he can't move or get down.

"Stupid leg...stupid leg!!" he curse both of his legs and bang his fist hard, maybe if he does it could make him walk and help her.

"SOMEBODY!!" he screamed again but no one came in.

"Hang on AJ...HANG ON.. !!" screams Maxis as he pulls his blanket away and pushes himself off the bed. He has lost someone he loves before, now he can't lose AJ too even if he has to drag himself up he will safe her, Maxis then push both of his leg of the bed, once he sees his legs touch the ground, he pushes himself up to stand but the moment he thought he can stand his legs fail him and he fall to the ground. He shouted in pain as he fell on the floor and he started to breathe heavily.

"AJ...AJ...I'm coming!!" he called as he dragged himself towards AJ. He pulls all of his strength and once he reaches her, he starts to throw things off her and keep calling her name and telling her to hold on. As he was trying to get the things off her, he heard the side door open and heard a scream. He turned around and saw Anna standing near the door looking shocked that he was on the ground.

" someone to help now!!" He shouted at her immediately. Anna runs out of the room and tries to find someone to help. Luckily she found 2 of the guards walking past, she called them and told them to follow her.

Once they are in, they help Prince Maxis remove things on AJ. They quickly remove it and 2 of the guards pull AJ away. Prince Maxis dragged himself to AJ and tried to wake AJ up but she did not respond.

"Get the doctor...GET THE DOCTOR NOW!!" shouted at them, one of the guards quickly ran out to get more help and the royal doctor. Anna went beside AJ and called her name but still no response. Anna looked at Prince Maxis and saw how devastated he looked, he looked like he was going to lose someone special in his life again.

"AJ...don't leave me please...please wake up!!" cried Maxis as he tried to shake her shoulder trying to wake her.


"He's fine!!" said Doctor Flizz to King Matthew who was standing beside him worried if his son's condition worsened.

"I'm fine..I told you a million times. You should be checking on AJ instead!!" shouted Maxis for the tenth time asking for them to check on AJ not him, it was his fault they fought. Because of something stupid that he can't remember.

"Your highness...she is fine. When we brought her into the ambulance, she woke up, and now she is in the infantry. Dr. Flizz already checks on her and she does not have any big injuries. Instead, she told us to look at you as she said that she might have hurt you more when Anna told her what you did for her!" explained Butler James. When Maxis heard that, he felt relieved and laid back.

"How is he?" asked King Matthew to Dr. Flizz.

"He's fine...nothing to worry about. Please call me if you feel unwell, your highness excuses me." Dr Flizz replied as he stood up and walked out of the room.

"I'll do that therapy!" said Maxis suddenly. Dr. Fliz stopped in track and turned around, everyone in the room looked at him and was shocked to hear what Maxis just said to them.

"I beg your pardon?" said Dr. Flizz.

"It was my fault that happened, and when the bookshelves fell onto her I could not help her. I was useless. I should be able to stand up and help her instead I start shouting for someone to help her. Luckily Anna walked in If any longer god knows what happened to her. Father, I want to walk and stand again like how I used to be." sobbed Maxis as a tear rolled out from his eyes when he remembered what happened an hour ago. King Matthew looked at him, somehow AJ must have done something to him that made him change his mind.

"Don't worry we will do whatever we can so that you walk again. Dr. Flizz you know what to do!" said King Matthew. Dr. Flizz nods his head and walks out followed by Butler James so that he can see the arrangement.

"I'll walk again...I do whatever it takes!" said Maxis to himself as he looked at his leg then the bookshelves that fell onto AJ. 


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