Chapter 18

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The royal guards Mike and Sam brought AJ to her room, when she was looking for Maxis precious box in the library the royal guards suddenly took her and pulled her out from the room. AJ asked them a million times where they were taking her but like a robot they refuse to tell her where they were taking her. Mike, a Caucasian man and Sam a black man who has a French accent both have the same height and are very well built and have no problem carrying her up, she could not feel the ground they literally lift her up from the ground. Half way through she gives up fighting with them and enjoys her ride.

When Mike and Sam brought her into the servant building, she felt something off, the step they took is the same step she took to go to her bedroom. She prayed and prayed that they did not bring her into her room but the moment she saw the hallway to her room was filled up with other servants and some were looking at her strangely while some showed a worried expression to her.

They bring her into her room where they drop her before they walk out from the room. AJ looked at everyone there, Bethany, Anna, Butler James, Elizabeth and Maxis. Their expression was mixed, but one stood out Maxis was not looking at her at all, he looked away which made AJ scared to even ask what was going on.

"We found this in your closet!" said Butler James as he shows AJ what they have found. AJ looked down at her bed and saw Maxis precious box, a diamond necklace, a pair of earrings, some old photos, ladies watches and a golden bracelet. AJ looked at it and was shocked, she did not take any of them especially when she knows it belongs to Maxis.


"Is this the reason why you would always go missing?" asked Maxis as he turned to her looking at her with anger. When they found his mother things in her closet and he went to look at it he could not believe his eyes. He trusts her, he trusts her so much but she betrays him and stole the only things he has that belong to his mother away from him. How could she? How dare she?


"I trust you...I TRUST YOU!! AND THIS IS WHAT YOU GIVE ME IN RETURN!!!" Maxis screamed at her, everyone was shocked to see him screaming.

"You took the only thing away from me is it because of your father? That's why...because you need it and GET THE HELL OUT FROM HERE!!" he screamed at her again and threw money a bunch of 100 that made $100 000 that he took from the safe he kept in his room and threw it at her. The money hit AJ's face and each note flew out from the bunch scattered around her, without listening to her. Maxis believed what he saw, threw money at her and left her standing.

Butler James and Elizabeth follow him out, leaving Bethany and Anna in the room. Once they left, Bethany closed the door so that the rest did not see what was on the floor. Anna went to her and hug her,

"I'll talk to Prince Maxis. I asked him to investigate again!!" said Anna as she knew that it would not be AJ who stole Prince Maxis things.

"I'll talk to the king...there must be...." before Bethany could say anything further AJ interrupt,

"Ma'am would you mind, please bring Anna out! I need to clear my things!" Bethany did not question her and took Anna out before closing the door. Once she heard the door close, AJ immediately took her things, packed her things and changed. 30 minutes later she opens the door with her suitcase in her hand and walks out from the room.

She went down to the entrance of the servant building where Butler James, Bethany and Anna were waiting for her. AJ smiles at them, they know that AJ would not have done it but they did not have the choice as Prince Maxis has already made his decision.

"Thank you for everything especially tolerating my unethical behavior!" said AJ as she hugged Bethany and Butler James.

"Let me speak to the King and we can sort this out!" said Butler James.

"It's alright...don't need too. Thank you anyway. Please take care of him for me, he is very stubborn but you just need to push him alot." advice AJ to them. AJ looked at Anna whose face were already full with tears, AJ wipe her tears away and says,

"It's not your fault!!" Anna hugged her and started to cry. AJ pat her back slowly and says,

"It's okay!! I'll see you hopefully soon!!" AJ pushed her lightly and looked at them for the last time before she walked out of the servant building. With a heavy heart she left with a smile on her face she knows that someday she will come back with the truth.


Maxis walked into his chamber and slammed the door close, the empty palace could hear his anger in every room. He could not shake the image of his late mother things in the AJ closet.

"WHY...WHY her!!!" he screamed. Of all his servants why must be someone who manages to make him who he used to, make him step out of the dark and rotting room. Why must it be someone who stole his heart away, someone he wanted to say "I love you" too?

Both his eyes, brain and heart became very conflicting on the fact that she might not be the one to steal it but his eyes saw it all, it was inside her closet, she took it and hid it in the closet! But because of a good reason she did it for her father; his heart tried to reason but the fact his brain said the fact that she stole something special to him and knew that it was special she still took it. If she would have told him, say something to him, he did not mind helping her , did not mind giving her everything in the world to save her father but she did not.

She took it from him she not only steal his heart but also his late mother things which he treasure that's what he could not accept but somewhere in his heart deep down he know she was not the one and never be the one to steal knowing that the things mean a lot to him but still Maxis believe what his eyes saw that the things was in her closets that was it, she stole from him.

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