Chapter 31

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Butler James opens the door to the limousine for AJ, Anna and Dina to go into the limousine while he helps the other butler to put their suitcase into the limousine boot. Dina thanked Butler James and went into the limousine when she reached it. While Anna hugged Bethany tight as she was about to leave suddenly.

"Oh honey, take care of yourself and call me whenever you can!!" said Bethany as she wiped Anna's cheeks. Anna nodded her head and went into the limousine. While AJ hug Bethany and says,

"Thank you for taking care of my sister all this while. When you decide to retire, call me, I will help you retire!!"

"I'm planning to stay here till I can no longer walk!" joked Bethany as she looked at AJ for the last time until don't know when.

"Take care of yourself!" said AJ again before she went in and Butler James closed the limousine door and went into the limo to send them to the airport where the King's jet was waiting for them.

Hours later

The coldness in the air was getting colder, Andrew the night manager of the PS LAX was having a puff when she heard her name being called in the earpieces which was connected to a walkie talkie where she hung it on her pants. A man hoarse voice who have been smoking for so long was telling Andrew that their VVVIP jet is landing in 20 minutes and she is needed at the runway to allow the VVVIP car to enter as there was a special request to have their car at the runway to collect the passenger right away once they land.

"Roger that...give me 5!'' She replied as she pressed her wireless earpieces before she took her last puff and put her cigarette out in the dust bin, turned around and walked into the silence terminal. Since this was a last minute request no one was working except for her who ran from the other terminal to welcome the VVVIP. Andrew walks all the way to the end of the terminal and exits the terminal.

Andrew took her phone and sent a short message to her security team to inform him to allow the car who was waiting for the VVVIP to drive in while she continued to walk about 40 metre before she stopped and 2 black SUV drove in and stopped a few metres away from her. Andrew looked afar and saw the jet sky, dropping slowly to the runway.

While in the jet, a tall brunette walked out from the pilot cockpit and walked over to AJ and Dina who was discussing work while Anna was sleeping before AJ.

"Miss, we will be reaching in less than 20 minutes, please wear your seat belt!" remind the air-stewardess. AJ looked at her and nodded her head before she woke Anna up. The incident earlier made her more tired. She was surprised when she walked into AJ's room, AJ was not there before she heard a scream coming from the garden dome. She run out of the palace towards the dome only to see everyone was already there with Jennifer, she did not know what really happen but she was shock to see AJ walk out from the dome and before she knows it AJ pull her away from there, saying goodbye to Bethany and left to the airport.

AJ told her that they need to go back ASAP as their father is in the critical stage, before something happens they have to leave and that was 2 hours ago. AJ buckled Anna's seat belt and they waited for the jet to land, 20 minutes later the Captain landed the jet and announced that they had arrived. They unbuckle their seat belt, take their bags and walk toward the plane door where the air-stewardess, the pilot and the co-pilot stands to wish them goodbye. AJ thanks them and they walk down the step to see Andrew and her cars waiting to send them back, one home the other to see their father hoping he is waiting for them.

"Miss Jacob welcome back, I hope the journey is smooth." greet Andrew as she shakes AJ, Dina and Anna's hands.

"I'm sorry for asking you to open the terminal for us, hope is not a problem." apologize AJ, Andrew told her it was not a problem before she walked to the back of the plane to assist her staff to transfer their bags. After Dina informed her which bags is hers and to put in which car, Dina looked at AJ and says,

"Are you going to be ok?"

"We will be fine. Thank you Dina for your help."

"No worries, I hope both of you see him before anything happens." wish Dina before she hugs her boss and comforts her.

"I'll see you when I get back to the office and please do what we planned earlier just text me if you need anything!!" said AJ as they parted ways. Dina walks to the car that will send her home while AJ and Anna walk to theirs. The driver opened the door for them, they went in and minutes later the driver drove them to the hospital. It was the longest drive they ever had when the night was still young. AJ hoped that her father was still young and would be waiting for her just like he promised.


AJ and Anna walked out of the lift, AJ took Anna and they jogged to the private room that JJ was staying for the last 2 years. Anna felt she was in a different world since the SUV drove out from the airport. Everything past her went very fast, she was in the car and second later she was in the lift with AJ going to see her father.

Anna doesn't know what she should feel when she meets her father or what she should say. She thought she knew but now as they were jogging towards his room Anna's mind went blank. AJ opened the door to the room, the room light was dim, while the beds were surrounded with machines that were supporting JJ so that he could live more minutes. Cassey looked up at AJ and Anna when the door was open and she was relieve,

"JJ looked whos here!!" whisper Cassey to JJ. JJ who was very paled and trying to hold on to his last breath, open his eyes slowly and turn to his left a smile appeared. AJ walked to JJ's bed, sat on the bed and gave his father a hug.

"AJ is that her?" asked JJ as he weakly pointed his finger to Anna who was still standing at the door frozen. AJ looked up, turn around and says,

"Anna, come!!" Anna smiles and slowly walks over to AJ. AJ stood up giving Anna a space where she could talk to JJ. Anna sat down, tears started to form in her eyes looking at a man who looked like AJ and smiled like she made her speechless.

JJ smiles at her, tears already cover his face no word could come out from him. He could only thank God for allowing him to meet his daughters before leaving the world forever.

"Rose..." he called as he looked behind AJ. AJ turned around and saw Rose, her mother was there. She looked at her speechless. Rose, a blonde petite woman was standing in the corner of the room looking at her family that she abandoned. JJ smiled and called her name again to ask her to stand closer to him. Rose reluctantly looked at AJ who would disapprove of her being there, but AJ nodded her head allowing her to come closer to JJ while she moved to the other side with Cassey while Rose walked closer to JJ and held his hand who was already out.

The room was quiet, the silence was killing each of them as they knew that as scecond past, they know that they would not be able to see JJ. For the past few days, friends and family of JJ have visited for the last time after Cassey told them to come and visit. In those times JJ had a smile and laugh giving the people he knew their last memories with him. And now he knows that this is his last second looking at his family.

He looked at his ex-wife Rose the woman who have own is heart, Cassey his daughter from another parents who allow make him as her father when her father could not, Anna the lost daughter he did not have time to spent with a regret he could not make up of and AJ his soul, the person who make the move forward when his heart left him. The person whose heart has not healed whose heart he wishes could open up to love one day.

JJ gives them a last smile and his eyes slowly close. As his spirit slowly left him, the heart beat monitor started to slowly alert that his heart was going to stop and when the monitor gave out a straight line and a loud alert they knew that JJ, a man and their father had left them. The only sound that can be heard was the machine and the cries of his family. 

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