Chapter 28

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The breakfast table was not as chatty as before as the King was not present, Max was too sleepy and was tired after he reached the palace pass midnight after partying. He was lucky to even wake up after Maxis had to shake him a few times and drag him to his en-suite.

AJ on the other hand was eating her breakfast on one hand while on the other with an ipad. AJ keeps signing one contract after another while Dina explains to her the contract terms. AJ was swamped with work when she woke up that morning.

Maxis's eyes were looking at her the moment he came into the dining chamber. Instead of eating he kept playing with his food and was not eating his breakfast. He felt the greatest guilt after he found out when his father told him about the gold bar which makes a lot of sense and because of it he could not sleep at night and was thinking of how he would apologize and how he would make it up to her.

"Are you alright, your highness?" said Anna when she saw that Prince Maxis had not touched his food. Prince Maxis looked up at Anna and smile,

"I'm fine. AJ I'll meet you outside...Anna gets Drew to get the car ready!!" said Prince Maxis as he stood up and walked out of the dining chamber. Prince Max who was half asleep and half eating despite being tired and sleepy he followed his brother out dragging his feet and cursing himself for staying at the party too long.

AJ close her ipad and drink her coffee in one go before she stood up and says to Dina,

"We will go through this later!!!"

"I'll meet you up front...I'll take the production file first!!" said Dina as she stood up, took her things and ran to her chamber to gather the production things. AJ saw that no one was there, only Anna and AJ, AJ took a pieces croissant with ham which she had already cut into two, she took a piece and fed Anna. Anna was stunned but she quickly chewed the croissant so that no one saw AJ feeding Anna the royal servant which was forbidden.

"Nice!! Tell the chef I said it was delicious!!" said AJ, Anna's cheeky smile at Anna's childish behavior while she started to clear the table.

"Anna once I finished looking at the production we might leave by tonight or tomorrow night! Get ready alright!" said AJ.

"It's too short notice I need to..."

"I know it's too short notice but we need to return as soon as possible!!" said AJ. Looking at AJ's facial reaction Anna knows that their father might not live any longer and they need to be there beside him soon. Anna nodded her head and says,

"I will inform Bethany and pack my bags!!"

"I'll see you later!!" said AJ as she took her things and walked out of the dining chamber, while Anna resumed back to clean the dining chamber.

Anna and the other girls took the plates to the kitchen and placed it in the sink so the stewarding could start washing the plates. Anna was about to go up with the girls to clean both the princes bedroom when Bethany called Anna and told Anna to follow her. Anna without any suspicion she followed Bethany until she saw that they were walking to the King study Chamber.

Bethany knocks on the door, second later Butler James opens the door and they walk in, King Matthew looks up and sees Anna walk in with Bethany. He stops what he was doing and walks towards them.

"Bethany thank you!" said King Matthew, with Bethany and Butler James walking out of the King study chamber. Anna was holding her hand tight. This is the first time she was left with the king alone. She did not know why the king called her alone, she just hoped that she did not do anything to hurt the king's feelings.

"Sit down Anna!!" said King Matthew as he showed her the sofa for her to sit while he sat next to her at the single sofa.

"Anna, how old are you now?" asked King Matthew.

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