Chapter 8

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Day in and day out King Matthew has been on his feet, even when he was having his lunch the talk around the table would only be about work or politics. Even though Butler James has been updating him on Maxis, he still needs to see how he has been doing and hope he is better than before.

He opened the door and saw Maxis was still on the bed looking up, he walked in but he felt something different in the air. Usually it was super tense and he could feel some bad aura in the air but today was different.

"How are you doing today? Did you think about what Jamed has told you about the therapy?" asked King Matthew looking at his son. Maxis looked at him, rolled his eyes and looked away.

"The therapy can help you recover your nerves quicker than the normal therapy!" explained King Matthew.

"I don't want it!"

"How long will you stop being this way?"

"Until I die!!" replied Maxis, his usual answer that would always lead to a fight with King Matthew.

"Why are you doing this to me? I am the king and I order you to go to that therapy!" order King Matthew. Maxis looked at his father and shouted,

"ORDERING ME WOULD NOT GET MOTHER BACK!!!" King Matthew looked at him and shook his head,

"What can I do for you to change back to your old self!" beg King Matthew.

"STOP ASKING ME CAUSE I AM NOT GOING BACK INTO MY OLD SELF!!" said Maxis clearly so that his father would understand that he would not want to continue his life without his mother. King Matthew looked at him the last time before he walked out from the room speechless with his son's decision.


The night falls faster for everyone who lives outside of the room except for Maxis. The time just slowed down every second he looked at the clock on the wall. He just wish that the time for him would just stop and he would just leave this cruel world but his ties to the cruel world just keep getting longer and longer

As he looked at the second hand on the clock he heard the door open, he looked at the side door and saw AJ sneaking into the room like a thief.

"What are you doing here?" asked Maxis when AJ tried her best to close the door silently. Lucky for her Anna left the room earlier then her normal timing, Maxis did not want Aj to be scolded just for sneaking into the room.

"Just checking in!"

"Checking in for what?" puzzle Maxis why does AJ have to check in on him suddenly, Maxis looked at her and suddenly saw AJ reaction change and suddenly smirk at him before she sat beside his bed and says,

"I lied ok...there is a night beighfing that is going on right now but I did not want to go."

"Night briefing?"

"Yeah Bethany and Butler James wanted the servant to revisit the safe night alarm before going to bed but I did not want to go. Can you please let me stay here for a while?"

"How long is a while?"

" hour ish!!" said AJ while trying to give Maxis her cute face so that Maxis would agree but her face made Maxis vomit and he reacted like he was vomiting which AJ cute face changed into a sour face immediately.

"It seems important though!!" said Maxis trying to make it sound important so that AJ would just leave him alone.

"Sorry bearman but I'd rather stay here then fall asleep while doing safety checks! Anyway I have been wanting to see that painting on the wall closely cause from a far it looked a bit ... how do I say...." AJ stood up and walked to the middle of the wall where an art piece was being hung. AJ saw it a few times but she kept forgetting to ask Maxis what it was all about as in her head it is way different from what it might mean.

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