Chapter 23

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It was the perfect time for AJ to walk out of the meeting, she did not want to be there any longer, if she is she would have jumped over the table and would have strangled the Bearman for accusing her again. She walks over to the servant building and walks to Bethany's office.

She went to the office and knocked on the door before she popped her head into the office.

"Good afternoon ma'am!!" she said. Bethany was going through some paperwork, she looked up and saw AJ.

"AJ!!" she called her shock and happily. Bethany stood up from her chair while AJ walked in and walked towards her before hugging her.

"How are you?" asked Bethany.

"It's not long since I left, I miss me already?" joked AJ.

"With your craziness, I really miss you!" said Bethany as they let go of each other,

"You will be staying at the palace tonight?"

"Yes...I am and finally I can sleep in there instead of cleaning it." joked AJ, hearing that Bethany gave a light slap on her arms.

"I have not seen Anna around...where is she?"

"She took a day off. She might be in the garden, you can look at her there. Go and talk to her first, I'll see you later!" said Bethany, AJ excused herself and ran out to look for Anna. AJ was looking for Anna the whole night but she was not in the party, she wanted to explain to Anna what happened and hope that Anna would follow her back home soon to see their dying father. AJ knows that she has hurt Anna by not telling her but AJ needs to be sure before she tells his father.

AJ runs toward the dome garden where Anna's favorite place, where memories with the late queen are. She runs into the garden and starts looking. The dome garden is a big garden where the late queen has planted the most rare flowers and plants and now Anna took over her and took care of the garden so well that when spring comes, the flower blooms beautifully.

AJ ran around and finally found Anna as the centre of the dome where an angel fountain is. Anna was sitting on the fountain looking into the water. AJ sat opposite her where a bench was facing the fountain.

"I'm sorry!" said AJ, Anna heard AJ's voice and turned around. She was shocked to see AJ was sitting opposite her. When AJ told her that she is her sister, she did not know how to react and what to say. She did not know if AJ was lying to her or not.

"You are lying right when you said that I am your sister!" Anna asked as she looked on the ground, she wanted it to be faulty somehow if it's true she would feel more hurt then AJ lying about them being siblings.

" and I are siblings! I have gotten your DNA check and we are without a doubt sibling. My name is Isabella Anderson Jacob, our father's name is Jackson Jacob while our mother is Rose Anderson. Our father is African American and our mother is Caucasian." said AJ as she showed a picture of their parents on her phone to Anna. Anna looked up, took the phone and looked at the photo. Almost immediately her tears fall, finally she knows who her parents looked like. Her mother is a beautiful woman with pretty eyes while her father is a tall slim man whose smile is so warm. Anna has her mother skin tone while AJ has his father's light chocolate.

"They looked perfect right? The wrongly perfect couple in the picture, in real life that beautiful woman is a materialistic woman who only wants more, who only know how to leave the people who love her, JJ our father, me and you who I knows would have be very heartbroken to see what I see, that a beautiful mother like her would hurt people who loves her very much." claimed AJ. Anna looked up and saw AJ's cold expression when she described their mother.

"I was 9 when mum left me and our father at night. She did not have the guts to tell him, so before JJ reached home she packed her bags and left. I begged her to stay but she wanted to go. She even pushes me so that she can leave me in a pool of blood. JJ found me almost dying and sent me to the hospital."


"I need to tell you what happened so you know and did not have high expectations of what type our mother is. That night I vow to be happy with JJ and make sure to be so successful that she would regret leaving us."

"You hate her?"

"I hated her more when she left you on that cruise right after she gave birth to you! " said AJ with hatred for their mother.

"How do you know about me?"

"3 years ago, JJ met with our mother's ex-boyfriend who told JJ that she had given birth to you. JJ immediately started to search for you, he did not tell me as he was scared that I would hate you. He failed until he fainted at work, they brought him to the hospital where they told me that he has cancer and he would not survive long. That's when he told me and begged me to look for you." AJ explain as she walk to Anna and sat beside Anna,

"Took me 1 week to find our mother, when she told me where she dumped you and from there I found my way here. Since I am unable to get any information about the staff working here I have to disguise myself as a servant and somehow that night when you confess your love for Maxis and tell me how you were found I know that you are the one." Anna looked away and started crying, she felt hurt that AJ has lied to her about who she is and now she is telling her who she really is. Anna doesn't know who to react to or what to say.

"Anna I let you decide what to do, but I hope that you would meet JJ would die to meet you and if you were with us you would understand that he is the greatest father anyone would ever have." said AJ again before she stood up and left Anna alone to decide what to do.


Elizabeth walked into the Prince Maxis study chamber who was going through AJ's proposal. Elizabeth opposite him, she could not wait for Prince Maxis to see what she had planned the whole morning. She wanted their wedding to be the grandest wedding ever.

Elizabeth was telling Prince Maxis what her plan was for but there was no reply by Prince Maxis. Elizabeth went over to him, bent over and gave him a light kiss on his cheek but Prince Maxis pushed her away immediately.

"Maxis..." she called his name. Prince Maxis stood up and apologized. He did not realise that she was there and then she kissed him.

"I..I'm sorry, what are you doing here anyway?" he asked her.

"To talk about our wedding!"

"Our wedding!" he said then he remembered that they had engaged the night before. That was what he had forgotten, he wanted to talk to his father about the wedding that he was not ready. Prince Maxis walked over to the window and was trying to find word to tell Elizabeth that he did not want to get married yet. But his eyes suddenly saw AJ walking in the yard, he suddenly stopped thinking about his engagement and thought about AJ's assistant.

Did he just accuse someone of stealing? Elizabeth was calling him but again he did not respond, she walked over to him and saw that he was looking down at AJ. Looking at AJ, Elizabeth becomes frustrated somehow AJ has taken all Prince Maxis attention from her. Elizabeth touch his arm which make him push her hand away and says,

"I need to see the King.. I have to go!!" said Prince Maxis, leaving her before she had some time alone with him. She looked down and cursed AJ for getting in the way. 

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