Chapter 16

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Elizabeth was shock to heard that Maxis has agree to go for therapy and now he is training to walk by himself which was a miracle as the doctor said it might take a year to able to stand up or even walk but less than 2 weeks he already able to stand up and walking a bit at the training bar even the doctor was amazed with his progress.

She walked into the gym and saw he was with a nurse walking the training bar, walking back and front. She froze and stared at him, tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at him standing.

"Maxis!!" She called his name as she walked closer to him, Prince Maxis looked up and saw Elizabeth walking towards him.

"Hi Eli..." he said as he stopped and smiled at her.


"I know right! I should have done this a long time ago!"

"But you are standing now...I am proud of you!!" said Elizabeth as she wiped her tears away. Sooner or later her Maxis will be back and then she would stay with him like she always has.

"I'm sorry that during the time I was rotting in my room, I have said or done things that hurt you!" Prince Maxis apologize, Elizabeth shake her head and replied,

"I understand!! You were in pain." as he continued to train again while Elizabeth sat at the side looking at him cheering him on.

As Elizabeth was cheering him, the gym door opened and AJ walked in with a tray of mixed berries juice for Maxis. When Elizabeth arrived the guard told her to prepare another glass for Elizabeth as she was visiting Prince Maxis. The nurses help Prince Maxis to the massager chair so that he can rest for a while. AJ walks over to Maxis and gives him his juice before she walks over to Elizabeth and gives her a glass before AJ walks back to Maxis.

"I think this is my new record AJ!!" said Maxis.

" long did he walk?" asked AJ to the nurse, the nurses told her how long he was walking. As they walk, AJ teases Maxis, Elizabeth saw how close his servant is to the Prince which was not supposed to be. Even with Anna, they were not that close but from the way she looked at them she saw how open Prince Maxis and her was, a sense of jealousy started to form but she pushed it away immediately as she knows Prince Maxis would not fall for a AJ.

"Eli don't be foolish...Maxis would never regard that fat woman anything!!" said Elizabeth to herself trying to convince herself that Prince Maxis has better taste and that fat woman is never his taste and for god sake Maxis is a prince and a prince would never want to be seen with a woman like his servant.

The nurses and AJ help him walk to the training bar again back and forth a two more times before he stop and looked at Elizabeth,

"I'll be done in an hour, why don't you join Max and I for lunch?" offer Prince Maxis, Elizabeth stood up and walk to him,

"I'll take your offer, I'll wait for you at the library then!" replied Elizabeth before she walked out from the gym. AJ excuses herself as she needs to inform the chef that Maxis has a guest.

As AJ walked out from the gym and was about to disappear to the side door when she heard her name being called, she turned around and saw Elizabeth was walking towards her.

"AJ right?"

"Yes Miss, how can I help you?"

"Walk with me for a while!" offered Elizabeth. AJ follows Elizabeth for a walk to the library.

"I have not seen you here before?" asked Elizabeth.

"I'm new here. It has been nearly 2 months since I started working here Miss."

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