Chapter 11

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The day just goes by very slowly when AJ has nothing to do, AJ has nearly dozed off when she was sitting beside him with nothing to do or said. Maxis have been falling in and wake up to see AJ next to her with nothing to do, what bother if is not that she was dozing off but what she had told her earlier.

After she had said that, he could not stop thinking about it and even felt hurt by what she told him. All those years he has been giving away medicine to people and countries that need it but when it was his turn he refuses to take it. He remembers having to help the army that was sending medicine to the war zone helping them making sure the medicine that was purchase for the people was given to them directly and administered properly.

Maxis bang his head onto the bed and accidentally head the bed board which hurts his head and makes him scream in pain and woken AJ up from her doze.

" am not sleeping Bethany!!" scream AJ as she stood up and looked shocked as she does not want Bethany to give her nagging again. AJ looked around but she did not see Bethany only saw Maxis rubbing his head.

"What happen to you?" asked AJ casually.

"I hit my head!!" said Maxis as he keeps rubbing it.

"Oh...I hope the board did not break though! The bed sure looked expensive!!" said AJ sarcastically.

"My head is more expensive than the bed?"

"Who said that must be stupid eh!!" said AJ again as she sat down again as though nothing as happened. Maxis looked at AJ and sat up, seeing how she did not care about him make him angry, how can a servant like her do not care about the prince?

"Why are you sitting down here?" suddenly Anna walk in and saw AJ was sitting down and was not doing anything.

"Theere was nothing I can do so I sit down!!" said AJ.

"Stand up...I told you to rearrange the bookshelves if you have nothing to do!" remind Anna again which AJ forget.

"Oh...I forgot!!" said AJ as she stood up and walk over to the bookshelves which were all over the place and not in sequence like before. Anna looked at AJ and shake her head, luckily it was her that walk-in or else Bethany would have scolded her again and will make Bethany have another visit to the hospital.

"Anna!!" called Maxis,

"Yes your highness!!" said Anna as she looked at him.

"Can you help me prepare my afternoon medicine!" requested Maxis. Anna nods her head, turn around, and was about to walk out when she stops and turn around to make sure what she heard was correct.

"Your highness what did you said again?" asked Anna again.


"Bearman needs his medicine!!" interrupted AJ as she continues to arrange the books.

"Medicine??" repeat Anna.

"Yes my medicine!!" said Maxis before he lay down on his. Anna stares at him and slowly walkout, she can't believe her ears that he is asking her for his medicine. Once she got out she immediately runs down in excitement to get Prince Maxis his medicine.

Maxis turn to AJ who continue to do her job and says,

"I took my medicine, not because of you! So don't flatter yourself about it ok!"

"Don't care, bear man!! Eat or not it's your body, not mine!!" said AJ and she continued to do her job. Maxis smiles and shakes his head, how on earth does this woman survive? He thought to himself. She must have had a hurtful past to have become this cold.


Butler James looked in the infirmary room and saw that Anna there waiting,

"Anna..are you okay? Did you get hurt?" asked Butler James as he approached Anna as he is worried if Anna got hurt or she is sick. Butler James did not want anyone in his team to be unwell or overworked. No matter how strict Bethany is, she would never overwork her people especially Anna.

"I am waiting for Dr. Flizz!!" said Anna excitedly.

"Are you really ok? Did Bethany make you work hard?"

"" Anna wave her hand,

"Why are you here then?"

"Prince Maxis asked for his medication...I came to get it from Dr. Flizz!"

"He wants what..." shocked BUtler James when Anna told him what Prince Maxis wanted, as he knows so far that the Prince refuses to be cured or even eat his medicine.

"When I walk in earlier to check on him, he suddenly told me to get his medicine!" said Anna excitedly. Dr. Flizz walkout from the pharmacist's room and pass Prince Maxis medicine. Anna excused herself and was about to walk out when Butler James stop her,

"Was he alone when you walked in?"

"NO...AJ was there with him!! Sorry but I have to give Prince Maxis his medicine before he changes his mind again!" replied Anna before she runs out of the doctor's office.

"That a change...2 miracles happen in less than a week! Who knows next time he would want to get that therapy!!" said Dr. Flizz before he sat down on his chair to continue with his work which he left off earlier. Butler James stood there could not believe his ears, a miracle happens twice in the same week...he just hopes that miracle does not stop. 


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