Chapter 1

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The sun was blazing hot on a Tuesday afternoon, Isabella and Cassey were sitting watching the boys from school battling among themselves wanting to find out who is the greatest basketball player in school. As usual Adam and his jock was being very confident that since they were the school jocks also the school favourite basketball team who only won 3 champions but was treated like gods in school versus the underdog Michael and his gang who have been practicing outside of school every day since they were 8 years old when they found basketball into their life.

Jamie, one of Michael's best friends, was on lead, he took the ball from Tom from Adam's team which he lost a few seconds after he took it from Michael. Jamie took it and dribbled the ball halfway to the court before he threw it at Michael who took the shot and threw it into the hops.

"Ei...yes...we won...30 points to none!!" shouted Mac, another one of Michael's friends as he shouted in joy and his team went around to hug each other out. Adam and his team stood at where they were standing and could only look at each other in shock. They thought they would win against the underdog as they were on the school champion team, but they were wrong. Michael and his team start to tease Adam and his team as they were super confident that they were able to win.

"I told you they will win!!" said Bell to her best friend Cassey who bet with her which team would win. Cassey looked at Bell and cruse herself for betting with Bell who always win,

"Remind me never to bet with you!!" said Cassey.

"You know what you need to do right?" ask Bell to remind her again what the bet was to Cassey. Cassey breathe out and stood up while she took 2 boxes of eclairs and cupcake that Bell bake early and walk closer to the basketball court,

"Yo.... shithead you make me lose my bet!! Buy my cupcake!!" shouted Cassey.


Years later

"BANG!!!" That's the loudest crush he ever heard in his life, right after a 20 ton trailer ran over his black bulletproof SUV made specially for the royal family crush from the front of the car up till the middle. Then he heard a very sharp static sound start to ring in his ears so loud that it hurt his head so bad and it was so loud that Maxis woke up from his sleep while breathing in and out hardly, when he sat up from his bed he could feel breathless.

That dream...that same damn dream he had for the past 2 years still haunts him, he is the reason why his mother, the beloved queen, died because she was protecting him. The crash not only killed his mother but also took his leg and half of his body is paralysis. He took the flower vase which was beside his bed and threw it across the room and hit the wall which broke into pieces.

The door opened and the royal servant who served directly to Prince Maxisismillian Xaview Matthew ran into the room and saw the vase that was placed there by another servant was on the front of the door broken into pieces.

"Your highness!!" She called out while she hurried towards the prince as he lay back down on the bed as he tried to breathe normally.

"Are you alright?" she asked as she stood beside him.

"That damn dream!!!" he shouted in anger.

"Let me get you, your medicine it should help you!!" said Anna the servant as she ran to the right bedside drawer, pulled up the first drawer, took out his medicine and gave it to him to eat but he pushed her hand away and made the medicine fly out from her hand.

"Your highness you have to take the medicine it will help you!!" said Anna who was worried that the royal prince refuses to take any medicine to make himself better, he would rather rot in the bed and just die one night then get it out of the bed and continue his lifeless life.

Crowned Prince Maxisismillian Xaview Matthew, the crowned Prince of Genva a small country in the middle of Europe with a population of merely 2 millions people. He was once a gentleman who can win any heart of his people, his soft tone, his smile, and gentleness is one of the feature that his people loves about him but his most loves feature is that he is very attractive just like his father, with well build body come with a brain. Every woman in the world want to have him but he was too busy with helping the world and his people that he did not think of woman, the only woman he ever loved was his mother that he killed.

"That medicine would not make the queen come back to life!!" he shouted again in anger.

"She wouldn't and behaving this way would not make her come back to life either!!" A loud voice replied back as he entered the room and looked at his son on the bed wasting his life away.

"You.... should not behave this way!! Your wife...."

"Don't you dare Maxis!!" said King Matthew as he walked closer to his son. Anna saw the King enter the room, she looked down while she slowly and invisibly walked out of the room and closed the door so that no one could hear their argument. That was what it was like for the past 2 year ever since the Queen passed away, King Matthew and Prince Maxis would fight with each other, the King wants Prince Maxis to start being who he used to be while Prince Maxis just wants to die together with his mother. No one in the palace could do anything and just listen.

"You know how I feel about your mother!"

"Which is what!! Let me just die easy for you!!" said Maxis as he lay back down and turned his head to the left side looking at the empty wall which is just like him, his heart and soul are fully empty. King Matthew looked at his son, he did not know how long he can take his son's behavior and how long he himself can stand tall without falling apart too just like his son. King Matthew turns around and walks out of the room, the slamming sound of the door can be heard everywhere in the palace just like his heart. There is no joy or laughter like how it is used too now it is just empty. 

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