• CHAPTER 49 •

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Taehyung's POV

I decided to tell her everything.She sat infront of me curiously.

"This was the thing that I told you I will come home and tell...so here is the thing..i don't know if you will believe or not..but I want you to know it all..",I said.

"Tell me..",she said.

"It's all about the school days...everyone thought I am the culprit when I was the victim....",I said tears flowing out of my eyes.

"H..hey don't cry",she said and rubbed my tears.

"Okay so I will Start...",I said and took a deep breath.

"You know what y/n the first day when I saw you in school i fell in love with you.Everyday my love for you increased.You were like a living angel for me..I always used to think about you...all I could want is to have you in my arms and make you mine...but it was not possible...due to my reputation in the school...I knew that everyone used to think I am the fuckboy and bad boy when it's not the truth...",I said.

I kept looking at her.She was looking deeply into my eyes.

"Let's start with Chaewon...I knew that chaewon was your best friend so as to get close with you..I started dating her.The main reason for dating her was I came to know her secret...I know how much close friend she was of yours..but she wasn't.In fact she hated you...that's the main reason why I started dating her to know about it.You remember she always used to come 3rd in school?She was jealous of you.Her parents used to taunt her about you..she used to get angry and jealous of you..so she decided to take revenge on you....not only that she was a cheater too she was cheating on me too...so as to break up...I told one of a girl to do kissing acting with me...and you saw it and told chaewon...then we broke up..the main fact why chaewon was ready to date me because everyone thought that I was the famous boy of the school so she wanted to date me but as a bitch she was she was cheating on me...but the fact that you told her that I was cheating on her made her think that you told her purposely to make us break up cause she thought that you liked me...",I said and stopped for some seconds.

"And then i came to know that she send one of her friend to bully you...so you shouldn't be harmed so I told you to not interfere in this matter.....but then I saw that the boy was going to come to harm you...so I started beating him...that was the moment you saw him and me and told to the principal that I was bullying him...I got angry on you cause I was saving you and you complained....so I got angry on you...",I continued.

I looked into her eyes.She was looking down...

"And then the principal called my parents...or I should say not really parents...they used to beat me and always shout at me and all they never behaved nicely with me...when they got called in the office they pleaded to principal because they had spent money on my fees and so as not to waste that money they pleaded....but later when I went home they beat me badly....I cried all day and night...",I said.

She was looking down she couldn't believe it I think..

"And also there were boys who used to bully me...if I didn't listened to them they would beat me...also when you saw me exchanging money and taking papers..that was not for me that was for..that boys who used to bully me..They warned me they would do something bad if I didn't listened to them so I bought the papers for them.. but that time you saw and clicked my pics and showed it to the principal...and then principal again called my parents...the boys came to know this and told me they would hurt someone I love if I told the truth to anyone and so...I kept quiet but still I tried to tell that I didn't do it but no one believed me...and I got suspended from the school...",I said and took a breath to continue.

"Later that day when I got home they beat me a lot and threw me out of the house...I was angry on you because of you all this happened and no one believed me...but I couldn't help myself.Everyone used to hate me then
cause no on knew the truth..After they removed me out of the house..I struggled a lot with everything....soon because of all this..I started believing that bad people always win...and soon I turned into a mafia...a mafia in top 5...everyone used to fear and respect me..",I continued.

"I was angry on you because all I did was help you but because of you I got to grow through so much hate and struggle and so I came to you after 5 years and so I used to remove my anger on you and all..but I used to feel bad.. and now I understand that you didn't know the truth and so this happened..I should have told you this earlier...but I didn't knew how to say and what...but now I have decided that to begin things between us in a new and good way I need to let it all out and clear the misunderstanding.I was never a fuckboy or something.I used to come 1st because I used to work hard and all.I wanted to go away from the abusive step parents and be a successful person...with this mafia work I also became the ceo of Kim enterprises...",I let it all out.

"And that day when sungjun kidnapped you.. I was at the mafia office to resign from being a mafia...to leave this mafia business..and now I have resigned from mafia work...I did this just because after you came in my life again i felt love..and wanted us to be happy...I am really sorry for beating you and all this...but I just want to know that I loved you...love you and will always love you y/n...please forgive me..",I told.


I couldn't believe it but it was all truth...I am such a fool..I should have known it all...because of me his life destroyed....I started crying.He hugged me and we both were crying.

"I am really sorry Tae..I never meant it....but I want to tell you that even I had always loved you since I saw you..I am ashamed of what I did..forgive me please....",I said.

"What u LOVED ME??",he screamed.

I nodded.

"Y/n I love you so much.Please forgive me",he said.

"I forgived you..please forgive me too..",I said.

"Ofcourse",he hugged me tightly.

"I love you too...let's forget all the bad things...and have a new good beginning",I said.

He kissed me and then we both layed down on bed in each other's arms.

isn't it a plot twist?

few more chapters to go maybe ! do vote and comment thank you for reading.

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