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It was morning now.I opened my eyes and felt the pain.I remembered what happened last night and realised that I was naked so I grabbed the bedsheets more close to me.

Taehyung wasn't sleeping beside me.I need to go away from here.

The door opened by Taehyung.I quickly closed my eyes pretending to be asleep.
He moved closer to me.I still pretended to be asleep.

And then suddenly he inserted two fingers in me.I screamed the hell out.
He licked his fingers.

I opened my eyes in pain.

"You taste very delicious.I can have you all day",he said.

I closed my eyes again in disbelief.

"Get up and make breakfast",he said coldly.

"What?Me?",I questioned.

"Yes do it otherwise I will make you to do it",he said smirking.

"No I will do it",I said hesitantly.

"Good girl.Now go and take a bath your clothes are already kept there",he said smiling and went out of the room.

I tried to get up but fell.Damn it is paining a lot.

I still some how managed to get up and went to the bathroom.

I took a shower and wore the clothes.

My body is hurting how am I supposed to make breakfast?Don't he have maids?He is hella rich.

I went downstairs with the support of the wall.

I then found the kitchen.Woah this house is good.But I am not interested.

I then started to make the breakfast.


The breakfast was about to finish.

And then I felt a pair of arms on my waist.He kept his chin on my shoulder.And pressed mine body against his.

"T-the breakfast is ready.Let's go",I said.

He bited my earlobe.

"Ah..",I slightly moaned.

"Here only I give the order and you have to obey",he said.

He then made me face him.Our bodies were touching against each other.His face was inches away from me.

Then he kissed me.I didn't respond as usual.He then chewed my lips.I winced in pain.I tried to push him but he deepened the kiss by grabbing my neck.
After a while he broke the kiss.

Anger could be seen in his eyes.Because I didn't kissed him back.

"Serve the breakfast",he said coldly and sat on the dining table.I served the food.

He signalled me to sit in the seat near him.I signed and went to sit there.

We started eating the food.

"Hm the food is good",he said.

"I know",I snapped rudely.

"So rude huh",he said and put his hand on my thigh.His hand stared going upwards.

"Y-yeah thank you thank you very much",I said quickly.

He smirked and removed his hands from my thighs.

Then after sometime we finished eating the breakfast.

I need to go to work..

He is a mafia but still he has this big company.

He then went to our room.I started cleaning the plates.

And then after sometime I headed to our room.

Taehyung had changed his clothes.He was still that handsome as he was back then.

"I am going",he said.

"Where?",I asked.

Why I asked..

"Who are you to ask me?",he said sharply.

It hurted

Saying this he went out of the room.

I removed my clothes from the wardrobe to wear for the office.He had brought all the clothes already for me.


Please don't hate on any character and I am not sexualizing anyone and this is just a ff.

Hope you are enjoying the book <3


Have a little gap between your real self and your ideal self to have a happy life.



Written on:11th Nov 2020
Uploaded on : 25th June 2021

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