Chapter 48 | Date in the streets of Monaco

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Walking back into my bedroom from the bathroom I have a small feeling in my stomach that wont budge

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Walking back into my bedroom from the bathroom I have a small feeling in my stomach that wont budge. Then the familiar acid bubbles up my throat, I rush to my bathroom and push the lid up. I bend over the bowl and my stomach begin to empty once again.

My hand hold my stomach as the acid burn my throat filling the bowl with bile. "Gianna you ok." I hear someone ask and I hold my thumb up as the other grips my stomach. I wretch forwards as my stomach pours into the toilet.

"Its alright princess. Just think of the little baby." I hold my stomach and nod as Nico runs his hand down my back squatting beside me. He gathers my hair for me and I sit back leaning against the sink.

"really putting me through it aren't you." I whisper to my stomach and he laughs.

"You'll be alright." Nico says helloing me up form the floor and I flush the toilet. I walk to the sink and begin to brush my teeth as Nico leans against the doorway of the bathroom. His brown hair is in waves, green eyes trains don my as I brush my teeth.

"What." I chuckle spitting the foam from my toothpaste into the sink.

"Nothing." he shakes his head and I sigh. Holding my hair back lifting my head back up and smile. I Sonia round walking past him into the bedroom and lay down on the bed. I gasp and let out a sigh as my stomach gets an almighty blow to one side.

"what was that." I ask causing Nico to sit on the bed beside me and I lean forward grabbing his hand. Placing it on my stomach he sighs and I wait but nothing happens. "I swear I felt something." I smile and he lets out a small sigh.

Lifting my head from my lap I look up and lock eyes with Nico. His eyes are looking back at mine, they are slightly intimidating yet they are have a softness to them and I sigh. "I want him back." I whisper and he sighs.

"I know you do princess, I know." he tucks a stand of my hair behind my ear. I close my eyes thinking that his touch is maybe Mateos. I know thats wrong, I know I shouldn't do that because they are nothing alike.

I miss everything about him. His touch, his smell. The way he actually feels to be around, the smile he carries when he looks at me. I know thats wrong wishing Nico was him but I miss the comfort. I miss the safety he carries and I slowly open my eyes.

Nico eyes are closes as his thumb brushes over my cheek, "Go to sleep Gia. You have a big day tomorrow." He explains and I nod. Nodding my head as I close my eyes feel rude but I cant speak. The pain through my body will show through my voice and i'm not prepared to expose myself in that way right now.

"Tell me about him." Nico asks, I lay flat on the bed with my head on the pillow looking at the sky, I close my eyes and imagine his face.

"you sure." I ask and he hums.

"Let me see the soft side to Mateo Romano." he chuckles and I smile stroking my stomach.

"He would do anything for me. Either of us he would do anything, right now I can put money on him beating the fuck out of someone. Hopefully not Lorenzo for saying some snide comment." I chuckle realising it is possibly true. "He is hoping for a baby girl, I know." I explain and he smile. "any Mafia man would want a son to hand his empire down too but I know he wants a daughter. To spoil her the way Alejandro spoils Alessia." I smile.

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