Chapter 4 | To New Beginnings

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My eyes burn firm the lack of sleep and amount of crying I have endured last night

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My eyes burn firm the lack of sleep and amount of crying I have endured last night. My mind is doing summersaults, had this really happened. Had my father really sold me to the men from the ball .I curl up, trying to make myself as small as possible.I knew my father hated me, despised me even but this. Even this is low even for my father.

I sigh, gripping hold of the bed sheets as there is a tap at the door. A gently however firm tap making me  know that it can only be one person. Him.

"Gianna, your going to have to wake up." He says, his thick once's loved accent flows through his tongue sending shivers down my spine. The hairs on the back in my neck stand up as I feel the bed sink.

"Gianna." He repeats and I sit up however pull the covers higher up my body as I look around the room avoid looking at him.

"Sia said you have full reign of her wardrobe for today, then when we are in Italy we can go shopping." He says as if that makes me feel any better.

"Italy." I gasp and he nods his head, my voice seems to be more hoarse than I expected.

"Yes... I am Italian." He explains but I shake my head.

"Yes but I'm American." I huff and he chuckles shaking his head.

"You'll be ok." He says placing his hand on my thighs through the sheets and I pull away making my way further to the edge of the bed, although I don't see how possible.

"Despite what you believe I will never hurt you." He explains and i shake my head climbing out the bed. I pull the T-shirt I'm wearing further down my legs and he sighs standing from the bed.

"We're leaving in two hours. Be ready." He demands leaving the room. I can see that his patience with me is growing thin, extremely thin.

Seconds later the door opens again and a blonde bubbly girl comes running in and jumps on the bed, "Hi, i'm Alessia. I am afraid I do not remember us meeting however you're all I have herd about for the past 4 days. I feel like i've known you my entire life." she says in a huff pushing her hair out her face with a smile.

"I apologise for the fact my brothers are as subtle as a sledge hammer. But we aren't all like that." she says with a smile as she sits on the bed crossing her legs. "However, you do not want to get on the wrong side of any of the Romano men, or my mother actually."she says shaking her head.

"So come on, let's get you ready." she says this time she speaks her accent was more clear. She was Italian also, I imagine they all are.

she holds her hand out for me however I just smile climbing from the bed and following her, I keep my distance as we walk out the room I was into a large hallway. The house is similarly decorated to my house, the large marble pillars at the end of the corridor just where the stairs are. The large wooden doors with golden handles which are polished and cleaned to perfection, a similar marble flooring howler this has a pattern of gold running through showing that they clearly have money. Lots of money.

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