Chapter 19 | Kindest Regards

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"Pensi che lei lo salverà" Giovanni asks as he runs his hands through Gianna's hair, Elio leans into her slightly as they both exchange a look

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"Pensi che lei lo salverà" Giovanni asks as he runs his hands through Gianna's hair, Elio leans into her slightly as they both exchange a look. A knowing look. [Translation: Do you think she will save him.]

"È meno spericolato, pensa prima di agire. Deve pensare al risultato per lei invece di se stesso. Solo che non voglio che la danneggi, è come una bella bambola di porcellana." Elio responds running his thumb across her cheek. [Translation: he is less reckless, think before acting. He has to think about the result for her instead of himself. I just don't want him to hurt her, she's like a beautiful porcelain doll.]

"Mio fratello sara ' la sua morte." Enzo adds, the conversation dies there as everyone knows that that statement is indeed true. [Translation: My brother will be the death of her.]

No one as pure and radiant as Gianna can survive in this world, whether she will emotionally or physically die, no one will know but she can not carry on the way she is in this world. This world is harsh and filled with monsters, yet the underworld has demons.

Once thats haunt your sleep. Everyone knew, no matter what they did. That it was inevitable, Gianna could not remain the same. She would be eaten alive by those demons. As much as the group knew what they had to do, no one could bring themselves to tell Mateo, so protecting her was the only option. The only option that involved Gianna remaining in their lives and her not going back to her father.

I am woken with the slam of a door then shouting however what they are saying is unclear, they sound like they are screaming however it is not English

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I am woken with the slam of a door then shouting however what they are saying is unclear, they sound like they are screaming however it is not English. Thats when I remember they are most likely shooting in Italian. I shiver slowly opening my eyes to realise where I am, my head is leaning against someone shoulder as someones leans into me.

I sit up straight looking around the room to see that I am in Matteo's office still, With Giovanni to my left and Enzo to my right. I look around the room to see a furious Mateo sat at his desk with his arms crossed, Alessia is asleep as well as Luce on the couch, then scattered around the room is everyone else.

My eyes flick to the clock on the wall with reads one o'clock however I quickly become aware that this means one o'clock in the morning not the afternoon. I whine rubbing my eyes grabbing the attention from the guys beside me then the shouting stops.

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