Chapter 16 | Red stained Roses

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I am woken by the sound of shouting as well as a scream, I scurry out of bed towards my bedroom door when I realise that someone could be in the house

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I am woken by the sound of shouting as well as a scream, I scurry out of bed towards my bedroom door when I realise that someone could be in the house. What if Matteo is hurt, we just had our first date and he could be dead outside my bedroom door. I shake my head form the ridiculous thoughts and slowly open my bedroom door to hear shouting, from downstairs, despite it being downstairs I can hear it clearly.

"Sei stupido, cazzo. Perché vieni qui, figliolo. Gianna è qui" a deep voice shouts, i first think it is Matteo however his voice is softer than the harsh tones in the voice I just herd. I tiptoes through the house passing a mirror, I become very aware of my outfit, I am wearing shorts and a hoodie yet I don't really care.  [Translation: Are you fucking stupid. Why come here son. Gianna is here.]

"Certo non e la migliore idea ma puoi smetterla di urlare e tirarmi fuori quel cazzo di proiettile." someones shouts back and one again i am not convinced it is Matteo. I pluck up the courage and begin walking down the stairs following the voices towards the kitchen, then I realise Matteo's family is here. [Translation: Granted not the best idea but can you stop shouting and get the fucking bullet out of me.]

"Com'è successo" A voice add this time I recognise it straight away as Matteo. I glance at the clock on the wall in the living room to see the hands pointing clearly to three thirty in the morning. [Translation: How did this happen?]

"Tu fratello non sai quando smettere di parlare" a forth voice adds to the conversation this time I watch it come from Giovanni as I stand in the doorway of the kitchen. I scan the room, clearly no one noticing my presence yet as no one acknowledges me. Giovanni is stood beside the kitchen sailed and the rest of the Romanos are scattered around the room then Luce is stood with her back to me.

I take a step into the room and thats when I notice the water dripping from the counter, my eyes follow where its coming from. I rub my eyes riding the sleep from as I still think i'm dressing after what I see next, my oncer white beautiful roses dripping red as Enzo lays across the counter covered in blood.

"What happened." I croak, sleep still present in my voice however there is no chance I can sleep now. I grab everyone attention, my eyes focus on Enzo on the counter who's eyes seem to have gone wider than I though possible.

"Woah are you ok." I say taking a step however Matteo's arms wrap around my waist pulling me away from the counter, I wiggle in his grasp. I focus on unzip who hims in response lifting the arm which is not holding his stomach showing me his thumb pointing up.

"What the hell is going on." I ask this time Matteo seems to be dragging me out the room, Luce seems to be handling Enzo once we left, Matteo lifts me off the ground picking me up. "Matteo put me down." I huff, he chuckles walking into the living room and throwing me down onto the couch.

"Well that wasn't very nice." I sigh sitting up right fixing my hair.

"stay fucking still and where you are ok. We will come talk to you in a while I just need to sort Enzo out ok." he shouts his voice angry as he explains bending down in front of me. He tucks a strand of hair which has fallen out of my bun behind my head before walking away.

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