Chapter 17 | Beautiful Yet Deadly

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"No. My brother did this." Gianna repeats making my frown hearing the sadness in her voice. I pull her towards me, she shakes her head pulling away from me. "Enzo i'm so sorry." she sighs pulling at the roots of her hair.

"Gianna, you didn't do anything. Why are you apologising." Enzo croaks through the pain in our direction. She leans against me making me, a strange feeling rushes through my veins as she turns to me to comfort her.

"Gianna listen to me ok. None of this is your fault, its Enzo fat mouth." Giovanni tries to reassure her however nothing seems to be working. She stares between Enzo and the bullet. A scowl crosses her beautiful features making them seem more harsh than normal.

"Why do you say that." Gianna huffs, "you don't have to lie to make me feel any better."her voice breaks making my heart sink realising this has really effected her.

"Gianna honey. This is not your fault. You weren't even there. My sons know whatever happened to them is on their heads ok, Enzo knows how to protect himself. This was a clumsy mistake where he was sloppy and got hit." my mom explains however Gianna just shakes her head, she turns in my arms and begins to cry into my chest.

Sliding my arm up her back, the left one pulls her closer as my right runs through her hair gently trying to soothe her. "Shhh it's ok. Enzo isn't dead, nothing is your fault." I explain causing er to sob into my chest.

"Ive been shot before Gianna. This sent new to me, or any of us for that matter." Enzo announces causing everyone to freeze. Here we go.

"What." she sniffs through her sobs turning once more to face everyone. "What do you mean." she asks.

"I think this conversation is best if it's between Matteo and Gianna alone." My mom explains hushing people out the room.

"Bro." Enzo begins and I nod my head.

"Yeah just crash in the room you usually stay in." I finish his sentence as I lead Gianna through the kitchen and into the living room. Guiding her towards the couch she sits down heifer this time creating distance from her and I, which unexpectedly pains me slightly.

"Gianna, I need you to know that I will never nor els anyone hurt you ok." I assure her however she just sits quiet nodding her head. "I need you to listen to everything I have to say, no interruptions ok. Can you do that for me?" I question making her nod her head, she sniffs wiping her nose with the edge of her sleeve which some how makes her look adorable.

She lifts her knees wrapping her arm around them as she brings them to her chest, she pulls the hoodie up covering her messy bun. She sniffs once more causing my heart to ache once more.

"Why did my brother hurt him?" She requests, her voice is shallow and quiet. She curls into a ball as far away from me as possible making me feel slightly scared for her reaction.

"Ill explains everything ok darling." I reply a little harsh, as much as I feel for her, her emotions are starting to piss me off slightly.

"look my job, I told you I would tell you things I believe you need to know right." I repeat my pervious comment for merely hours ago. Little did I know I would be explaining this whole mess now.

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