Chapter 43 | Mess beyond cleaning

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Looking down at my thighs the small green yellow marks cover my skin as well as the fresh crescents imbedded into my legs

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Looking down at my thighs the small green yellow marks cover my skin as well as the fresh crescents imbedded into my legs. "I'm sorry does it hurt" Mat asks pulling his eyes away from the road as one hand gently runs across my thigh.

"No, it's fine" I say playing with the fabric of my dress. Mateo and I had the Paris house to our sleeves for a few weeks as his father took everyone to Venice for a last minute business plan while Mateo stayed behind with me.

We are now on our way back to Florence and i honestly can't wait for the comfort of my own bed. And waking up to Marcus scratching at the door.

"You alright" he asks me as I stare down at my self.

"No, it's been nice just us two and you not working as much. But now we're back your going to be gone all the time again as well as you not going to sleep at the same time as me either." I frown and he just runs his hand down my thigh as he focuses on driving.

"Can we stop for food" I ask and he hums in response then moments later his phone echos through the car.

"And it begins we are literally like 4 miles into Italy" i sigh leaning my head back against the seat and my dress rides up. The design of this dress is similar to a skater skirt yet in a dress form, the fabrics floats around my thighs but bunches you at the position I'm sat in.

"Ever since we got married you have began the wear shorter and shorter dresses." He laughs as he notices my dress and i sigh pulling it down. However he pushes it back up showing off more of my leg than begin with.

"I miss Marcus" i frown leaning back against the chair and he just runs circles as his phone rings again this time he answers. Italian fills the car and Mateo fires angrier and angrier with every word which is spoken so i decide the stay out if it and try to get some sleep.

| B A C K    A T     H O M E |

Mateo open the door for me as the dark night looms around us and i shiver due to the cold breeze. Sliding my hand into his i stand from the car and we make our way towards the steps and i to the house.

We stand frozen in place as we see the scene in front of us. I gasp moving closer to Mateo as he stands looking around. He steps forward and the sound of shattered glass crushes under his feet and i frown. 

The entrance table he knocked over and the vase is on the floor with flowers scattered around, the pictures and art in the walls is all throws across the room as well as the entire entrance being trashed.

"Mat" I whisper and he slides his hand into his pockets and moments later bellows into the speaker before hanging up.

"What happened" I gasp as I take a step but Mat wraps his arms around my waist pulling me back. He lifts me off the ground and carried me over the glass before placing me back down.

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