13 - back to school

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"and for a second i am fine, then i remember that you're gone"
-move on from we are the tigers

song to listen to: some sad song, i couldn't think of one, comment what sets the mood for you

warnings: PTSD, flashbacks, night terrors, nightmares, crying, mental breakdowns, homophobic slurs, homophobia, taunting, descriptions of pain, mentions of death, death wishes, suicidal thoughts, bullying in general, mentions of drugs/drug use

guest starring: emma roberts(blonde) as madelyn amalia


"Now, in light of the massacre that took the lives of many students in this summer past, let us have a moment of silence for the following students, including those who are with us today but not without scars." The new principal was doing her best, but for the love of God, I had no desire for everyone to look in my direction the second my name was spoken. "Gary Scheid, Joan Schmidt, Cindy Berman, Alice Hart, and Arnie Baker are those who could be found. We have the deepest of hopes and prayers in our hearts that Thomas Slater is found safe and will be reunited with his family soon."

Tommy was only known as the Nightwing Killer to myself, Nick Goode, Ziggy, and the rest of the police station. I couldn't even tell my dad. The public wasn't told due to 'fears that it would make the town dive into chaos' as if it hasn't already done that. The Sunnyvale & Shadyside police didn't want anybody to know that such a sweet and kind boy like Tommy had suddenly just 'snapped' and brutally murdered kids who looked up to him. But it'd fit the narrative of Shadyside just perfectly, so it was beyond me as to why they wouldn't give out his name.

"There is only one girl in this school who was able to survive the brutal night, and her name is Mia Peters." All eyes were on me upon hearing my name and I wanted to shrink back into nothingness. "If you see Miss Peters in the hallways or have her as one of your classmates, be sure to do your best with giving your condolences. She's very strong and very brave, and still struggling with the aftermath. If you see her struggling, offer help! Be decent human beings today, please. Just-yes. Okay. That's all. Goodbye."

And just like that, the morning announcements were over. The entire class's eyes were stuck on me, including the teacher himself. I adjusted my light pink dress, feeling entirely uncomfortable in this current situation. Fuck. I understand perfectly that today's just beginning, but I'm thinking that at this rate it might be a bad day. Another bad day-but it's what I was used to at this point.

"Can we just get on with the class, please?" I asked after a solid five minutes of silent staring. "Stop staring at me like I'm some animal on display at a zoo, I'm a human being."

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