Oct. 1st - Pumpkin Carving (Everyone)

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Anonymous asked:

The spooky times are upon us, and, this is the first year that we won't be doing pumpkin craving because most of the patches nearby are closed. Could you do something with pumpkin craving perhaps at Camp Half-Blood?

I put a few basic characters but you could imagine anyone you like being in there since it's just you hanging out with a bunch of friends -Danny

Warnings: a bit of swearing.


"Remember to keep an eye on the sharp ends of your tools," You say, hands moving expertly while they work on the pumpkin you chose. "How's everyone doing?"

"Mine looks like it's having a stroke," Jason grimaces. "Can I do it over?"

"We already let you ruin two pumpkins already, so no," Annabeth replies.

"Remind me again why are we doing this?" Kayla sighs.

You look up from your work and see Kayla at the very end of the dinning pavilion.

"What's wrong? You're not having a good time?"

"No, I mean, I guess it's fun," She scrunches up her nose. "But what's the point?"

"We're bonding," Leo speaks from his place a few tables ahead. "We talk about life and do some creepy Halloween decorations. Don't ya like it?"

"I do," Nico shrugs. "It's somehow relaxing."

"Speak for yourself," Jason scoffs, clearly struggling to fix his project.

"C'mon guys, Y/N made a huge effort to convince Chiron to do this, and I think it's cool," Percy's pumpkin is looking like a hot mess, but he makes up for it with his commitment to the cause.

"Eh, I mean it wasn't hard," You reply humbly. "It's only lucky that Greeks and Celts never had beef with each other to dramatic extents, only reason why Chiron and Mr D agreed to this."

"So what are y'all plans for Halloween?" Will asks, he's been quietly helping Nico with the carving.

"I think we should make a party," Leo's eyes immediately light up with mirth.

"With disguises and all?"

"Yeah, why not? S'not every day that we get to hang out and act silly."

"You do that every day, Valdez."

"Shut up, Y/N."

"You know what, I think we should," unlike Leo, Annabeth's gaze is a bit more sober, but still turns brighter at the thought. "It's been a while since we had a party, and school's been kicking our asses lately, so why not?"

In other circumstances, the others would've been shocked to hear Annabeth say she wants to party, but after the shitty year you all had, a Halloween party sounds extremely appealing.

"So it's decided then?" Leo smirks. "Should I start planning?"

"No, you won't," Nico frowns. "You always do some over the top crap. I think we should divide the responsability."

"Alright, so what should I do then?" Leo frowns. "Though to be honest I think you're wasting my talents if you don't put me in the decorations department."

"You, Y/N and Percy will bring the food," Annabeth starts immediately. "Nico, Piper and I will handle the decorations."

"What about me?" Jason asks a little hurt.

"You go to Camp Jupiter and tell the others to come," You grin. "You'll be our handy guy, helping around in whatever we need you to do."

Jason frowns a little. "So I'll be everyone's assistant."

"Yeah," All of you reply.

"Great!" You clap once, grabbing your pumpkin and walking away. "Let's put these babies around the big house and start planning!"

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