#16 * Athena X Anat

340 16 6

Requested by Gangsterdog07

This one is a crossover between Greek and Canaanite myth! Keep in mind that, even though I did some research on family trees, I don't nearly know as much on canaanite mythology as I do on the greek aspect so don't kill me for the vague details :') - Athena


Athena x Anat

"So where exactly are we going?" Athena asked her father.

"I've told you." Zeus responded.

"No, you haven't. You merely said you needed an escort to some place outside the US." His daughter muttered.

"That's all you need to know for now." The king said as his eyes stared at the sky ahead.

"So no preperation in the slightest?" His daughter exclaimed.

"Why would you need preperation? In the contrary to your brothers your behavior is flawless."

The wisdom goddess rolled her eyes. She hated not knowing where she was going. That meant if things went messy and all over the place she'd lose precious seconds on planning and finding a way out, while usually she'd already know these things. And trust her when she said things went messy more often than not.

Nike, Zeus' personal charioteer, ignored the banter behind her and kept her eyes on the sky ahead. They were approaching a huge palace with golden and silver details everywhere and lucious green gardens.

"We're here bossman." The angel said, a smile playing on her lips.

"Excellent." Zeus grunted.

Then he side eyed his daughter.

"No more of this attitude when we get inside. Understood?"

The wisdom goddess sighed and rolled her eyes.

"As you wish father." She responded, but it didn't sound very genuine.

The king of the gods raised a brow, but Athena ignored it and looked at the palace they were approaching. She couldn't directly remember if she'd ever seen this kind of architecture before. But in the back of her mind the word canaanite popped up.

As soon as they landed they were met with a man and a woman. They were dressed in what Athena believed were traditional canaanite clothes. Although she wasn't entirely sure.

She assumed it would be since her father had ordered her to wear traditional clothing herself.

"Welcome Zeus." The man laughed with spread arms.

His eyes glinted and he had a very powerful aura. One that matched Zeus' almost perfectly.

"Baal Hadad, old friend." The greek thunder god responded and went in for an embrace.

Athena felt a bit awkward standing there while her father and Hadad were hugging it out. She could see the woman in front of her was too by the way she was eyeing them.

The wisdom goddess cleared her troath for a second. Her father and Baal Hadad ignored her just fine, going on about how great it was to see each other again, but the woman looked at her, which was exactly what she wanted.

"Athena." The daughter of Zeus said, holding out her hand.

"Anat." The woman responded, taking her hand.

Grey eyes met green for the first time as the warm feeling of Anat's touch trickled up Athena's arm. It was rather hypnotising for both of them.

"Deity of?" Anat asked.

"Wisdom and strategic warfare." Athena answered.

"Most interesting." The caananite goddess mused.


"War and hunting."

The greek goddess mouthed an 'Ah' as her interest was sparked. When she looked to her side to keep an eye on her father -as was her job as the escort he asked for- she just caught Hadad and Zeus entering the palace behind Anat.

"Should we follow them?" Athena asked.

"Why? So we can listen to more of their 'I am king of the gods' talk?" Anat chuckled.

The wisdom goddess was surprised the goddess in front of her dared speak those words aloud.

"Bold of you to assume I wouldn't want to." Athena stated with a hint of a smile, tugging at the corners of her lips.

"That much of a daddies girl?" The canaanite goddess joked.

"You should know what they whisper back home."

Although Athena had phrased it as a joke Anat could sense the truth in the words. She brushed it off though, figuring the grey eyed goddess probably didn't want to talk about it.

"Well, I'm not up for that kind of talk, so if you want I could show you around the palace." She said instead.

"Gladly." Athena replied, although in the back of her mind a voice whispered to keep an eye on Zeus.

She pushed the thought away. You'd think that by now he would be old and wise enough to take care of himself...

Soon she found herself being led around the palace by Anat. When she glanced to the side the latter could see the awe struck her new friend's face.

"Like what you see?" She teased.

"Yes, it's wonderful." Athena said, eyes stuck on the ceiling that was done in a golden mosaic.

Anat chuckled at the reaction. To her the Greek goddess almost look like a child in awe of the world around them. The same kind of wonder lay in Athena's eyes right now.

"I take it you appreciate architecture?" The canaanite goddess asked.

"Yes, I quite love it actually. Occasionally I try to design something if I have spare time."

A slight golden blush tainted her cheeks. She didn't mean to say all these things. A simple yes would've done it, but something about Anat made her want to tell her everything.

As they continued to walk their hands brushed together for a moment, at which both goddess looked up, accidentally looking one another dead in the eye.

The world around them disappeared. It was just them standing in a space. Nothing more, nothing less. But, oh, the adventures they experienced while just looking the other in the eye.


Hey Gangsterdog07
Here we are again. Awesome to have you around! Super interesting request! Definilty challenged me to do some digging into a new mythology and let me tell you I loved it! Thank you so much for your continued support! Enjoy you short and be sure to let me know if you have any more ideas!

- Athena

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