#24 * Athena X Hermoine Granger (part 2)

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Requested by PJO_Blackjack

This one is spin off to the events in #21. That means this is a Harry Potter crossover. Should you not know what that is I suggest either scrolling or reading the books.

- Athena


Athena x Hermoine Granger

Part 2

Hermoine sighed. The common room was incredibly busy. She couldn't focus on the book in her lap. She cast a look at Ron and Harry who were playing a game of magic chess rather than study for the O.W.L's. Hermoine sighed and shook her head.

No way she would get Snape's potion recepies in her head with all this noise. She stepped out the portal and went down the ever changing stairs. She didn't really know where her feet were taking her, as long as it was quiter than the Griffindor common room she was happy.

Soon the young witch found herself outside. At first she thought, the courtyard, but her feet kept walking and she didn't seem to mind.

She went all the way to Hagrid's hut. The friendly giant wasn't there, so Hermoine decided to remain outside. She sat down on a bench that was placed against the hut, deciding that she'd stay here for a while.

Perhaps Hagrid would be back and she could spend some time with him as a study break. Even if he didn't return in time, she still enjoyed the peace and quiet that surrounded the place.

She opened her book and started memorizing the steps for the 'antidote against uncommon poisons' potion.

A little time passed when Hermoine felt a shiver go down her spine. Odd, it had been very warm actually. She looked around and saw nothing. Then for some reason her eyes fixed in the direction of the forbidden forest.

She didn't know why because there was nothing there. Just when she mamaged to peel her eyes away from the forest the young witch saw a woman in the corner of her eye. When she looked closer again the woman stood nearer than she had a second ago.

Hermoine shook her head. Was she crazy? She didn't even know why she was surprised really, she was a witch herself. But she knew no sorcerer that could do anything like this. Maybe it was the muggle part of her that made all of this hard to believe.

For a last time she looked in the direction where she had seen the woman. Gone. Nothing to be seen. Very odd.

She refocused on her potions book, pushing the image of the woman to the back of her mind. Muttering she reheased the recipe.

"What kind of potion is that?" A feminine voice asked.

Hermoine could feel the shock run through her entire body. To her left sat the woman she had seen.

"Athena." The young witch breathed, trying to slow down her heart rate.

"You have to stop doing that."

Athena chuckled.

"I'll think about it." The wisdom goddess said, leaning back against Hagrid's hut behind her and placing an arm around Hermoine's shoulders.

"Why are you studying?"



"Now that you're here not anymore." Hermoine grinned.

"No way. I'm not helping you study. You're 'the brightest witch of your age'." Athena shook her head.

"Please. It's not even an entire potion. Just this part. I keep forgetting to add the berries."

"No, miss Granger. Study harder." The goddess grinned.

"Then what's the point of having a goddess as a girlfriend if it doesn't have any perks?" Hermoine playfully groaned.

"No perks? Excuse you? Who payed a visit to Olympus last week? Who is able to switch between school and your parent's house because of me? Whenever she wants may I remind you?"

"Okay fine. Maybe there are a few perks."

"Shut up and get your nose back in your book." Athena chuckled.

Hermoine couldn't help but join her. This playful bickering was part of every visit her girlfriend made. They'd been together for a good five months now, but the young witch had to admit that she had never been happier.

"Later. Right now I'd like to know why my immortal girlfriend is visiting me after I explicitly told her not too during my O.W.L's." Hermoine raised a brow.

"Your final exams are named 'owls' and you wonder why I'm here?" Athena asked in return.

"Piss off."

Hermoine gave her girlfriend a gentle shove.

"No actually I'm here to see how you were doing. I was genuinly curious."

"What do you know an honest Greek goddess."

"Hey, all of us are honest, some truths are just prettier than others." The wisdom goddess grinned.

"If you say so."

"First sensible thing to leave your mouth." Athena smirked.

"Shut up." The young witch said, pulling her girlfriend in for a kiss.


Hi PJO_Blackjack

Remember when I said I didn't see these two together? Well I changed my mind. Thank you so much for your suggestion, I kinda tweaked the original idea, but I don't think you'll mind XD. Hope you enjoyed reading this part 2!

- Athena

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