#23 * Athena X Highschool Student

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Request by SunsetMahi


Athena x Highschool Student

Athena heard doors open. Some chatter, then laughter, a slammed door. Her senses sharpened when she heard footsteps nearing. She'd already seen the student before they even opened the door.

They had their phone in their hands, meaning it was likely she'd end up on video. The door burst open and even though she was prepared for it, it made the goddess jump. A red line, from her pen, went across a student's assignment. She muttered an incoherent greek curse.

"Hey Athena!" The student she had recognized as Adriana said.

The goddess clenched her jaw. This is what she interrupted her for? Just to call her by her first name?

"Mss. Rabia, once you're done I'd like to see you after classes." Athena said calmly, not once looking up at her student.

She heard Adriana's laughter die down. The goddess guessed her joke wasn't so funny anymore now.

"Is there anything else you need?"

For the first time Athena looked up at the 18 year old. Her wide smile had replaced itself with an expression of shock. The goddess didn't understand why this was so surprising. In fact she was surprised no other teachers had done anything.

"No Mrs. Soteira." Adriana swallowed.

For a second Athena was tempted to ask the girl to leave her phone here. But then she decided against it.

At the end of the day when classes had finished Athena lingered in her class room. She waited for Adriana, who took her own sweet time to get here.

The goddess glanced at the clock on the wall. Fifteen minutes late. She got up and walked to the door, opening it and looking into the hallway. She saw Adriana lean against a locker. She was calling someone, but she didn't seem to notice her history teacher hanging out the door.

With a little help of her divine power the goddess listened in on the conversation her student was having.

"No mom, I told you, I won't be home in time... No, Mrs. Soteira still wanted to see me... I don't know if it's detention... No! Don't come here!.. Mom I swear if you-"

Whatever Adriana was going to say was interrupted by her mother hanging up the phone. It was Athena's cue to get back inside the classroom.

'At least she didn't forget.' She thought to herself as she sat down behind her desk again.

Not a minute later the door opened and Adriana Rabia entered the door.

"If you'd take a seat please?" Athena said, pointing at the desk right in front of her own.

Even though it was phrased as a question, Adriana felt she didn't truly have a choice. She placed her back pack down next to the chair and sat down.

"You wanted to see me?" The teen asked.

"I did. In fact I wanted to see you fifteen minutes ago." The wisdom goddess stated.

Adriana turned towards the clock and got a pained expression on her face. Had it really been that long?

"Care to explain where you were?" Athena asked, walking around her desk and choosing to sit on it instead.

Adriana swallowed. Her teacher was rather intimidating.

'Intimidating, but hot.' Her mind whispered.

The girl mentally scolded herself, this was her teacher for heaven's sake. And yet she'd been crushing on her ever since this woman first set foot into her classroom a couple months ago.

Adriana was bored. Like really bored. She'd been poking her pencil into her eraser for the past ten minutes. For the past ten minutes no teacher had been present. Usually their history teacher Mr. Braxton was never late.

Then the door opened and all the students looked up. A woman in a black pencil skirt and white button up walked in. She pushed her glasses up her nose and let her grey eyes wander through the classroom.

Immediatly Adriana felt the need to sit up straight and be on her best behavior. This woman's energy was incredibly authorative. Not to mention she was simply gorgeous.

"Good afternoon class." Her kinda deep, but still feminine voice said.

The students felt obliged to reply. The woman placed her bags down next to the desk. She herself leaned against the front of her desk. The whole class just stared.

"My name is Athena Soteira, but you will call me Mss. Soteira. I will be your substitute teacher for the rest of the schoolyear. Mr. Braxton fell... ill." Athena said as her eyes gleamed.

"For the rest of today I have nothing special planned, so we can just get to know each other and then we'll get straight to work next week."

For some reason Mss. Soteira's eyes lingered on Adriana. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks, but she couldn't look away. It was like being hypnotised.

"Adriana?" The voice of her teacher brought the teen back from her day dreams.

"I- Uh..."

She cleared her throat.

"I was making a call."

"Mhm. Very well. I'll let that one slide. But only because it's unrelated to why you're here." Athena hummed.

Not true. She let it slide because she knew it was the truth, but she couldn't tell her student that could she?

'Oh yeah, I know because I was listening in on you and your mom.'

"We ought to have a talk about respect towards teachers. You're little joke from this morning if you will." The goddess said.

She let her eyes pierce the young mortal's defences and looked straight into her soul.

"Why did you do it?" Athena asked.

Adriana felt like she was sweating buckets. Gods, the reason was sooo stupid. She'd definitely get detention now... Mss. Soteira wasn't exactly the funny and joking kind of teacher. She was the stern but righteous teacher.

She detached their eyes and tried to hide her face as much as she could.

"It's this trend on tik tok. Since I have an account with quite some following I thought I'd try it out too." The teen said.

In Athena's defence she tried. She really tried, but she couldn't help herself. Laughter rose up in the back of the goddesses throat and she had no choice but let it out.

For a moment Adriana feared she might've broken her teacher. She'd never seen her genuinely smile before. Just the reserved, but forced smiles for other teachers and students. Hearing her laugh was mind blowing.

"Tell me more about this account." The goddess said, her laughter dying down.

"Excuse me?" Adriana asked confused, her eyes shooting back to her teacher.

The latter seemed amused and had a daring glint in her eyes. Mss. Soteira seemed to have forgotten all about what the girl had done this morning.

Adriana fished her phone from her pockets and showed her teacher some of the clips. Athena was curious and she had to admit most of the clips she saw were genuinely funny.

It was in that moment the goddess realized she'd choosen the perfect mortal.


Dear SunsetMahi

Nice request, hadn't thought of it yet. I hope it is somewhat what you invisioned. Not a lot of action, I'm aware, but hey, sometimes the hints make it that more exciting. I hope I managed. Have a good day and happy reading!

- Athena

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