#30 * Athena X 'Thena (Me)

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Requested by my younger brother


Athena x 'Thena

'Thena's POV

I sank to my knees in front of my little altar. I let my eyes rest on the small statue of Athena and I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes.

Without thinking twice about what I was saying the words that formed my prayer left my mouth. As I prayed I could feel a prescense materialize behind me. 

I didn't let the sensation interrupt my prayer. Instead I let the prescence come to me. They stepped closer and closer until I felt hands on my shoulders as they knelt behind me.

The last word had left my mouth. All that was left was silence and that comfortable weight on my shoulders. I turned my head to see Athena sitting behind me. 

Her fierce grey eyes drilled themselves in my brown ones as she searched for my current mood.

"You called for me?" The goddess grinned after noticing I was in a cheerful mood.

"It seems I did." I smiled in return.

Athena raised a questioning brow.

"What? Am I not allowed to ask for you when I miss you?" 

I copied her movement and raised a brow of my own. However I added a tad bit of mockery to the expression.

"Mhm, of course you are." The daughter of Zeus hummed, kissing my cheek after a roll of her eyes.

I could feel the blood rush to my face as her lips connected with my skin, no doubt leaving a red color on my cheeks.

Athena smirked at seeing the color on my face.

'I still have it.' She seemed to say, but her mouth remained shut.

Suddenly my mind clouded over. Having her this close somehow reminded me of the other day when I couldn't feel her at all. I had never felt that before.

My girlfriend easily picked up on my shift of moods and her expression turned to a concentrated scowl.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Where were you?" I replied with a question of my own.


"The other day. The mania. Where were you?"

Athena seemed to stiffen. Her eyebrows knitted together and her scowl became more intsense.

"You had a mania? But your energy was well protected, I made sure of it when I left it alone to check on someone else. Unless-"

"Unless what?" I asked.

"Were you drunk?" My girlfriend asked, drilling her eyes into mine.

I hated when she did this. I didn't like eyecontact in general. Let alone my immortal girlfriend picking apart my thoughts with her eyes. I averted my gaze.

"Don't do that." I muttered.

"I'm sorry, but I need you to tell me and be honest." Athena urged.

I sighed.

"Yeah, I was." 

Athena released a sigh herself. She got up out of her crouched position and sat down on my bed. She placed her head in her hands.

"You know alcohol and channeling doesn't mix."

I was taken aback. Did she seriously think I did this on purpose?

"I didn't want to be channeling. I was with someone else. Why would I channel when I am with someone else unless it adds to the moment at hand?!"

"Didn't you feel it?"

"I was drunk, I doubt I felt very much in the moment." 

"Probably how the mania was able to happen in the first place." 

"Are you blaming me for this?" I asked.

Athena's words stung in my chest. For a long, suspenseful moment my girlfriend stayed quiet.

"No, of course I'm not. Lost souls try to speak out through your voice all the time. I'm just mad I wasn't there to protect you." She admitted.

The pain in my chest eased. As much as I might want it to, Athena wasn't mine. Not entirely. There was always someone, somewhere that needed her. Most of the time I could feel her out there.

But when I had that mania, she was just gone. I remember shivering and crying in someone else's arms, crying out for her.

I got up from my knees and sat down next to her. I placed my head on her shoulder.

"What were you doing?"

"I was gatekeeping for someone when I heard you cry out. My heart ripped apart, even though in the moment I didn't know why you were calling. I wanted to be with you, but if I left that gate, so many others would have gone through the same thing you went through that night. The only thing that kept me there was the thought that you wouldn't want them to have a mania. Even if it meant I couldn't be there for you."

I let Athena's words roll through my mind. I really could've used her there. The spirits were so intrusive. I should've known they were there. I should've felt it when I entered the room. But I didn't because I was drunk. 

Usually Athena always protects my mind from any kind of intrusion, but she obviously has other places she needs to be too.

I didn't blame her though. I couldn't she was doing what she had to do.

"You're right. I wouldn't want a whole group of people to experience a mania. I don't wish it on anyone actually. It's painful beyond words and extremely exhausting." 

Even talking about it, I could feel feel my body growing tired.

"Are you okay?" Athena asked, repeating her earlier question.

"I am." 

"Who was with you?" 


My girlfriend smiled.

"Than I have nothing to worry about."


I grinned at seeing her smile.

"I'll be more careful next time." I promised Athena with a kiss on her cheek.

"And I'll try to be there sooner if it happens again."


Little bro,

Your mind is even more wicked than mine. You have guts, I like it. Me and Athena, nice thinking. Thank you for being my proofreader from time to time, even if it's not really a choice XD Hope you like your short!

- (A)Thena

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