#11 * Athena X Nyx

417 17 5

Suggested by Gangsterdog07


Athena x Nyx

Athena was leaning one of the balconies of the temple. In front of her Helios disappeared into the western temple, taking the sun with him.

Slowly the last golden rays of the sun made place for the dark cloak of the night.

The wisdom goddess didn't mind. The evening was beautiful yes, but the night was simply gorgeous. Much like her owls she enjoyed the night and all it's mysteries.

As Athena stood there, staring into the distance, she could feel arms wrap around her waist and a breath in her neck. A smile laced her lips.

"Good evening darling." A deep feminine voice greeted her.

"Evening." The daughter of Zeus hummed in response.

"Enjoying the view?" The voice asked.

The wisdom goddess simply nodded, leaning a little more into the embrace.

"I missed you." Athena spoke up after a moment of comfortable silence.

"It's only been a day."

"Does it matter?"

The voice chuckled.

"I guess it doesn't." They responded.

The daughter of Zeus twisted in their arms. She was met with another goddess. The goddess had a pale skin tone, almost white. Her hair was jet black and her eyes dark blue like the night. Her lips had a deep purple shade.

When Athena let her eyes roll over the goddess' body she saw she wore a dark blue chiton that faded into a deep purple at her feet. It was as if it had taken the colors of her eyes and lips and combined them into one.

"You look gorgeous during the night." The wisdom goddess commented, letting her fingers glide through a strand of jet black hair.

"Well it is my domain after all." Nyx smiled.

"You don't say." Athena smirked.

"Shall we?" The goddess of the night asked, extending a hand.

Athena simply nodded. One moment a bright light spread around them, the next they were standing in a clearing in the middle of the woods.

"Welcome back." Nyx said with a radiant smile.

The wisdom goddess smiled. She wouldn't want to be anywhere else. A thought occurred in her mind. What if-?

The daughter let go of Nyx's hand and crouched down. The goddess of the night was rather confused. Why would she let go? When she looked down she saw Athena taking off her sandals. What was she doing?

When she was done Athena took her sandals in her hand and stretched out her other hand as an invitation.

"You coming?" She asked with a challenging look.

After taking off her own sandals, Nyx took her hand and they started walking down the path. Neither of them had a clue of where they were going, but it didn't matter. The only important thing right now was that they were together. The world could dissapear around them and the pair wouldn't even care.

After a bit of walking they reached a lake.

"Did you know this was here?" Athena asked, letting her gaze fall onto the reflection of the moon in the water.

"No, I thought you did." Nyx responded.

"What? No, I was following you because I have no clue where we are."

"I only knew about the clearing and the surrounding paths. After that I followed you because you seemed to know where we were going." The goddess of the night chuckled.

"Fine couple we make." Athena joked.

"I'm glad we found it. The view is breathtaking." Nyx commented.

"Agreed. A hidden jewel if you will." The daughter of Zeus added, sitting down on a rock.

Nyx nodded in agreement. She looked at the reflection of the trees in the water. The water was so still it seemed like a mirror. Part of her wondered if maybe the lake would be a portal to a parallel world.

She smiled to herself. If only...

"Shall we go for a swim?" Athena asked out of the blue.

"You and water?" Nyx asked, raising a brow.

"Darling, my problems are with salt water." The daughter of Zeus said.

"Naturally." The goddess of the night responded, rolling her eyes with a smile.

Before Nyx could say anything Athena was already standing ankle-deep into the water. She stepped deeper and deeper until the water reached her waist, her dress floating around her.

"Aren't you freezing?" The goddess of the night called out.

"Maybe a little, but it's totally worth it." Athena smiled.

It was one of those smiles that warmed Nyx's heart. You know, one of those rare smiles that are true and genuine. One of those smiles than can only be seen if a person is truly happy and at peace. Trust the goddess of the night when she said that Olympians were rarely this calm and easy going.

It was quite a magnificent view alright. The beautiful lake as a mirror. Athena standing in the moonlight with her dress floating on the water surrounding her. If only Nyx could control time and stop it. Alas she was no Kronos. The only thing she could do was memorize every moment and engrave it in her mind.


Dear Gangsterdog07,

What a lovely suggestion! I had so much fun writing this one! I really like this ship, so thank you so much for the inspiration! I hope you like it. If you have any other wonderful ideas, you know where to find me. Enjoy!

- Athena

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