#7 * Athena X Demeter

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Idea from VeerleVerhulst


Athena x Demeter

Athena was leaning on the fence next to the field, watching as Demeter worked.

The latter loved working on the field. One might think with all the technology over the years she'd have it done for her. But no. Demeter collected her grain herself.

She wore a simple grecian dress and her long dark hair was braided over her shoulder. Her green eyes were focused on the work in front of her. Her tanned skin, from working on the field, gleamed with sweat underneath Helios' blazing sun.

The wisdom goddess didn't know what it was, but something about Demeter was captivating. Normally she would get bored instantly watching people work on a field, but not in this case.

The goddess of agriculture had a certain fluidity in her motions. A certain grace too. As if the past millenia the only thing she'd done was work on a field. As usual Athena wanted to know how and why. So she kept watching hoping the answer would present itself.

"Pallas Athena, get that piercing stare off of me." Demeter chuckled.

The sound filled the wisdom goddess' ears like music and gave her the same cheerful mood.

"Where else am I supposed to look?" Athena countered.

"The beautiful scenery around you?" The goddess in front of her suggested.

Not once did Demeter take her eyes of her hands.

"There are things more beautiful than scenery." The grey eyed goddess commented.

"Oh really? Like what?" The goddess of grain challenged.


"Certain people." Athena dodged the question.

"Explain." Demeter said, straightening up.

Okay maybe not that much of an effective dodge.

"Some people are more beautiful than scenery." The wisdom goddess smirked.

"You know fully well that is not what I meant." The goddess of grain said, hanging her sickel from her belt and walking up to the goddess in front of her.

"Do I know though?"

"Don't even start."

The goddess of agriculture had a twinkle in her green eyes. A twinkle that notified Athena the goddess in front of her was happy. That's all she wanted.

"You done for the day or are you going to work until Nyx drapes her cloak over the world and Selene takes Helios' place?" The wisdom goddess asked.

"As much as I'd love to I won't. Otherwise you have to keep waiting here." The goddess of grain smiled.

"I don't mind." Athena replied.

"Oh please love. You've been standing here for the past one and a half hour. Don't tell me you're not at least a little bored." Demeter scoffed.

She slipped her hand into Athena's as they started walking down the path that would lead them Zeus knows where.

It didn't matter where it lead. No matter where they'd end up they'd just flash themselves home and no one had to know.

"But urm... You have me curious darling. Who are the people you consider more beautiful than the scenery of fields and woods around us?" Demeter asked.

Athena couldn't resist the chuckle that followed. It seemed simply adorable to her. The curious green eyes studied her.

"Well... There is only one really." The wisdom goddess replied with a smirk.

"Only one? Wow... They must be special." The goddess of grain said, swinging their arms.

"You have no idea." The grey eyed goddess smiled.

"Who are they? Do I know them?" Demeter questioned.

"I hope you know them. If you don't then something is terribly wrong." Athena responded.

The goddess of agriculture raised a brow. What was that supposed to mean? She loved being around Athena, but why on Gaia's earth did she always have to speak in riddles. It almost seemed as if she was walking with a sphinx.

"You should've been born a sphinx." Demeter teased.

"Excuse you? Me born as a monster? No thanks. I'm good as a goddess." Athena replied.

Her tone was light-hearted, but the goddess of grain felt the weight behind the words. The wisdom goddess had always been a little different from the other deities. That's what she liked about her. Her abitily to stand out in a crowd and do what she wanted to.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." The green eyed goddess apologized.

"Don't worry about it." Her companion winked.

For a moment silence fell between them. It wasn't really uncomfortable, but it wasn't really enjoyable either.

'Maybe...' Athena thought.

'I should just tell her.'

She swallowed. What if Demeter didn't see things the same way? The was no way she could evade her for the rest of time. Oh for Gaia's sake, she could fight monsters left and right, face any villain and win countless battles. How was she not able to tell someone how she felt?

Demeter noticed the thoughtful look on Athena's face. It was characteristic yes, but it didn't quite fit her in this moment. She should've been careless like a moment ago. What happened?

"It's you." The wisdom goddess muttered barely hearable.

"It's always been you."

It took a moment for Demeter to hear the words and for her to register what Athena was talking about. Then, as if she'd been striked in the head, it hit her. But it didn't hurt as much as an actual blow would've. In fact she could feel her heart doing summersaults.

The grey eyed goddess glanced sideways and suddenly she became very aware of the fact that she was still holding Demeter's hand.

Then without a warning the goddess of grain stopped them in the middle of the path. She pulled the wisdom goddess close and locked their lips.

"Took you long enough to admit." Demeter smirked when they pulled away.

Dear mom
(yes you guys this is my mom, shoutout to this amazing woman who supports me in everything I do and who loves me unconditionally!!!)
You jokingly made a suggestion and immediately my brain started thinking about all the possibilities. An interesting combination that is certainly worth a little exploration. Thank you for the idea, I hope you like it, but you're my mom so you're probably biased XD Maybe jokingly suggest some more from time to time, you never know what happens ;)

- Athena_9909

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