#9 * Athena X Hecate

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My own idea


Athena x Hecate

"We should not be here." Athena said walking deeper into the earth behind Hecate.

The goddess of magic had her torch lit and lighted the path ahead.

"Says who darling? Daddy?" Hecate replied with a smirk over her shoulder.

"Don't say it like that please. Makes it sound like you slept with him." The wisdom goddess shuddered.

"Well maybe I have." The chtonic goddess replied.

(Author's note: Chtonic means 'of the underworld'- Athena)

"Again don't. Sleeping with you is my privilege." The daughter of Zeus replied.

"I love when you get defensive." Hecate mused.

"Oh I know. But can we please keep this for when we are above ground and not on our way to Hades?" Athena replied.

"Why? You look much better in the light of my torches."

"Well, you could just wait for Nyx to drape her cloak over the world and light them above ground."

"Ever a solution. But darling, you know I'm even more inpatient than you are." The goddess of magic winked.

"Right." Athena muttered as they continued down the path.

"So remind me again why we're willingly taking the torn of the revenge deities on our shoulders?" The wisdom goddess asked after a moment of silence.

"Well we want to save Artemis from her... Cold... Don't we?" Hecate replied.

"A cold? Really?" Athena raised a brow.

"Same symptoms no?" The goddess of magic said.

"Yeah only a thousand times worse." The daughter of Zeus reminded her.

Athena loved Hecate. She really did, but this carelessness really bothered her. She wasn't usually like this.

"Look I know it's bad, but constantly thinking about it isn't going to help." Hecate responded.

"I know, but neither is ignoring it." The wisdom goddess said.

Hecate sighed. She knew, but she'd rather not be reminded of the fact that what they were doing may or may not be against ancient laws. In order to fix Artemis' 'cold' they'd have to take some of the firy water of the Plegethon. And as you may or may not know gods aren't allowed to directly take things from other gods. Even the minor ones.

Usually they'd send a demigod on a quest like this, but demigods can't exactly take a bottle of fire up to the surface and hand it over to a goddess. The fire would dim before they could even get it in. Plus time was precious in this case.

"Why didn't we just flash there?" Athena asked.

"It would have been so much faster."

"For me yes. For you no. You're not a Chtonic deity my love. You wouldn't be able to get there. No matter how hard you tried." Hecate answered.

The wisdom goddess sighed. She didn't like being here in this creepy tunnel, but for Artemis she would do pretty much anything.

"You're scared aren't you?" The Chtonic goddess noted.

"What no. That's ridiculous." Athena stated.

"It's not. It's okay if you are." Hecate reminded her.

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