#32 * Athena X Amphitrite

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Warning: This short contains some smut. Not a lot, not very explicit either, but if it's not for you I totally get it. Feel free to skip over those or skip the chapter.

- Athena


Athena was propped up on her elbow, hovering over Amphitrite, gazing into her sea green eyes. Behind her the ocean calmly lapped onto the shore. The wisdom goddess wasn't very fond of the beach as the sand tended to get literally everywhere, but for this woman she would do anything. She traced her fingers along the Oceanid's jaw and neck. Amphitrite hummed with pleasure as she brushed a lost lock of hair behind Athena's ear.

"I love you." She said, a gentle smile on her face.

"I love you too, darling."

Athena leaned in and captured Amphitrite's lips with her own. As they kissed the sea goddess' hands roamed her girlfriend's body, nails digging into her naked body. A soft moan escaped the wisdom goddess' throat. Amphitrite didn't mind, to her it sounded like music. After a few moments Athena broke away and moved her kisses along her girlfriend's jaw, down her neck and onto her chest. Soon enough she captured the sea goddess' nipple with her lips, gently sucking it, drawing a moan from her lips as well.

Amphitrite was shocked from her musings when Poseidon touched her arm.

"Are you okay, love?" He asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to interrupt Zeus' speech.

She gave him a quick, reassuring smile, before refocusing her gaze at the room around her. Zeus had insisted on a family gathering for the sake of all being together once more and -more likely- wanting to show off his power over the rest of them. They were all standing in front of him as his speech echoed off the walls of the ballroom. Zeus himself stood on a set of stairs, elevated the highest, his wife Hera only a step lower. Though he was the one speaking, Amphitrite wasn't at all listening or even so much as interested in the king. No, her attention went to the king's daughter, Athena, who was standing at the end of the stairs. The oceanid wondered if she was there as a guard or simply an extra way for the king to flaunt his wealth and power. Knowing Zeus he had probably presented it to his daughter as the former, while only needing her as the latter. Amphitrite knew people both feared and loved Athena. She had a way of striking fear into anyone who crossed her and she often came across as cold and distant, but in her own way she connected to the people that inhabited Olympus. Not to mention the Athenians themselves who praised her above all other deities, even above her own father. The goddess of the sea knew the king liked to flaunt his daughter and her power, if only to add to his own. Athena herself was well aware of this, but the oceanid was quite certain the wisdom goddess didn't care for it. She always did what was best for the family and often the best for the family was just making sure Zeus was pleased. Hence why they were all here in the first place.

Looking at Athena Amphitrite felt a pull in her gut. For a moment their eyes connected. From her place in the front row, Amphitrite could see the wisdom goddess's gray eyes soften ever so slightly, before the latter refocused on the room and her gaze hardened again.

The oceanid could feel Athena's fingers curl inside of her, making a moan escape her throat as her back arched. A wave of ecstasy washed over her as all her muscles momentarily tensed and let go. With heavy breathing she let her body fall back into the sand. Amphitrite could see Athena's victorious smirk playing on her lips.

"I love you." The oceanid hummed, slowly coming down from her high.

"I love you too."

They locked their lips together and for a moment everything seemed perfect. Everything was as it should be and Amphitrite was perfectly happy. There was no place she would rather be than in Athena's arms. However, that moment of bliss didn't last long. She should've known better than to take her to the sea. A sudden breeze felt rather chilly on her bare skin. Despite the sun being out, with not a single cloud in sight, it was as if the temperature had dropped a couple of degrees. Athena seemed to pick up on it too. Her gray eyes darkened and the gentle smirk from a moment ago had been wiped off her face.

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