#17 * Athena X Jiutian Xuannü

273 10 13

Requested by Gangsterdog07

Again a quick note that some of the details might be very vague since, until I started writing this, story I had zero knowledge of Chinese Mythology. Also a little disclaimer for if/when I don't get everthing right on Chinese culture and might fall prey to stereotypes here and there. I did some research but not nearly enough to know everything about it. Remember that I'm just your average 18-year-old kid in Belgium, not an expert.

- Athena


Athena x Jiutian Xuannü

Athena's pov:

Since we had guests it probably wasn't the best idea to offend my father. His eyes sparked as the air felt electric.

"If this is the advice you're here to give we won't need it. Go take a walk and cool off." He said in a deadly calm voice.

Fine, if he wanted to ignore the obvious problem that would come back to bite him in the a** later, not my fault. Although I already knew I would get blamed for letting it happen.

On a normal day I would stand up to him and argue until he actually saw the problem. However our Chinese guests made me think twice about it. They didn't deserve to sit through the tragedy that was the greek pantheon.

I swallowed my pride and turned on my heel. Right before I turned away I caugth a worried glance. Guarded, but worried none the less. It belonged to one of the guests Jiutian Xuannü.

I ignored it and since I had no desire to stay where I wasn't wanted, I left. I made my way down the path leading from the temple down to the city. I chose to walk rather than flash there. Perhaps on the way there I could clear my memory of my father's disappointed face.

I never had liked seeing it. I always calculated everything to be just perfect. The moment it wasn't, everything crumbled to pieces. Both my façade and his faith in my skills.

For a little while at least, until he comes across another task he thinks is perfect for me. I do better and badabing badaboom I am back to being the perfect daughter.

That vicious, never ending cycle was tiring. I had enough of it, but it wouldn't be a never ending cycle if I knew how to break it.

My deep and heavy thoughts were cut of when I heard footsteps behind me. Immediatly I felt guarded. I could tell that, whoever this person was, they were trying to hide their precense.

They were quite successful really. When I turned around there was no one to be seen where I had just heard the footsteps. I glared at the air behind me. I shook my head and turned back around.

As I continued walking so did the footsteps behind me.

"You know, if you're going to be invisble you should work on being silent." I said to whoever was following me.

"Maybe I wanted you to notice me." A coy voice responded.

The cockyness of the reply made me turn around in surprise. There was the woman who gave me a worried glance earlier, Jiutian Xuannü. She had a light skintone, nearly the color of snow. With the added white clothes she wore she almost seemed to disappear, although I'm quite certain she was litteraly invisible a moment ago.

But it wasn't only her white skintone that made her different from us greeks. Her pitch black hair made her stand out as well. Most of the Olympians on the council had hairtones ranging within the browntints.

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