#2 * Athena X Aphrodite

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Requested by Food_Dragon08

Athena x Aphrodite

Athena was pacing through the room, thinking. She could feel the eyes of her girlfriend following her with every step she took.

"What are you thinking about?" Aphrodite asked from the bed.

"What to do about the issue with the minor gods." The wisdom goddess replied.

"Again?" Her lover retorted.

"Well yes. It hasn't been solved yet." The daughter of Zeus said.

"Can't they just shake hands with Apollo and forget about it?" The love goddess questioned.

"If only it were that simple. This time Apollo really insulted them." Athena sighed.

A drunk Apollo had said something about Olympians being superior and all that. You know the typical thing an Olympian would say... IF there are no others around.

Too bad for Apollo he was surrounded by minor gods and creatures. It only got worse when he said all the Olympians shared that vision. Now all those present expected a public apology and statement from Zeus himself that they were all equals.

Not a bad idea on it's own. But in all honesty they weren't equal. Olympians are just at the top of the hierarchy. That's just how it is. Admitting to anything else would be below their standards.

"Stop." Aphrodite said.

"With what?" The grey eyed goddess asked.

"Pacing. It drives me mad." Aphrodite huffed.

"Then stop watching." Athena raised her shoulders.

"As if that would ever happen if we're in the same space." The love goddess shook her head.

The wisdom goddess smirked and stopped pacing, instead walking over to her girlfriend and laying down on the bed next to her.

"Thank you." Aphrodite said, placing her head in the crook of Athena's neck.

A comfortable silence filled the room as both goddesses enjoyed one another's company.

After a while Athena assumed they wouldn't change positions any time soon and she figured she might as well do some reading.

She summoned a book and started reading. After about half a page Aphrodite pulled the book from her hands and put it aside.

"Nope, you're not reading right now." The love goddess said.

"Why not?" The daughter of Zeus asked in disbelief.

"Because I have other plans." Her girlfriend smirked.

"You have other plans?" Athena asked suspicious.

"Yes, I have."

"Oh gods..." The wisdom goddess breathed.

"Exactly." Was the reply.

The love goddess sat up and straddled her girlfriend, pinning her wrists above her head. Something she's been dying to do all day.

Aphrodite leaned in close enough for Athena to be intoxicated by her perfume, but too far away for a kiss now that her wrists were held back.

"I hate you." She muttered.

"The line between love and hate is very thin darling." The love goddess leaned in some more, giving Athena the kiss she was waiting for.

But it didn't last long. Aphrodite was in a teasing mood, much to the wisdom goddess' dismay.

Slowly the love goddess placed a series of kisses in Athena's neck, leading to her collarbone. She was very well aware of the shivers going down her lovers back.

"Mhm... Stop..." Athena hummed.

"You don't mean that." Aphrodite replied.

"I do." The wisdom goddess retorted.

"No, you don't." The love goddess said.

Athena tried freeing her wrists. Well tried... Not really. If she wanted to she'd be free in seconds they both knew that.

Truth is the goddess didn't mind laying where she was, she'd just prefer to let her hands explore the body of her girlfriend.

"Let me touch you." Athena said.

"No." Aphrodite smirked.




"Plead." The love goddess commanded, looking her lover dead in the eye with the same smirk.

"Never." The daughter of Zeus responded.

Athena would never plead. She'd twist her words until she got what she wanted, but she'd never plead. That was bellow her own self-worth.

"Then you won't touch me anytime soon."

Aphrodite was well aware her girlfriend would never plead. Not willingly at least. So if that was what she wanted to hear she'd have to come up with something and resist all the nice things Athena would whisper in her ear. She'd have to make sure the wisdom goddess didn't twist her own words against her.

Speaking of the goddess, she scowled, ever so slightly, at her. She wasn't mad. In fact she enjoyed this bickering. But she was however a bit annoyed because her hands were held back.

"You know love, it's not that hard." Aphrodite pushed.

"As if." Athena scoffed.

"Everyone pleads for love from time to time." The love goddess said.

"Not me." Was the ever quick response.

"As if." Aphrodite repeated Athena's words.

Dear Food_Dragon08

Thank you very much for your suggestion. I loved writing this little piece. I hope you enjoyed what I've cooked up here for you. I'd love to hear what you think! If you have any other ideas... Well you know how to reach me.

- Athena_9909

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