Chapter 37

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                             Malakai's POV
"Babe? You okay? You seem uncomfortable."

"No. I'm not. Shit!"

She got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. When she got up I saw her stomach.When she laid back down I lifted her shirt up and put my hands on her stomach.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm checking something."

I felt some movement and started smiling. I grabbed her hands and put them where I had mine.

"Did you know?"

"No. Please be a boy. I don't wanna get killed by a 3 year old."

"I'm sure she'll be fine if she gets a sister."

I started kissing Rose's neck. I'm so excited.

"Rest for today. I'll take you to the doctor when you get an appointment. Get me when you need me. Go back to sleep."

"But I need to make an appointment."

"Do that then go to sleep. I'm serious."

"Did you just put me on bed rest?"

"Basically. Liz and I will handle Ari. Is this the only time you've been sick?"

"No. After the girls got sick I started getting sick. I guess it never went away."

"Honey why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought I'd bother you. You were in Atlanta. I didn't want you to lose the job."

"I would've left. I don't care. If you're sick I gotta help you. Have you even been eating?"

"Yeah. I have been."

"Good. Next time you're sick I need to know. I don't care if that means I lose a job. You are more important. I'm going to tell the girls. Okay? I love you."

"I love you too."

I put her hair in a ponytail then closed the door on my way out. I started looking around for the girls. I found them watch tv in the living room. I turned the tv off then stood in front of it. I grabbed my phone and started recording them so I could show Rosemary.

"Hi? Did I do something? Why are you recording us?"

"No. Mommy's sick.

"Is Aunt Rose okay?"

"She will be. It looks like Liz is gonna have another cousin and it looks like Aria is gonna have a sibling."

"Aunt Rose is  pregnant?!"

"She doesn't feel good and I felt something moving in her stomach so I'd say she is. We're still taking her to the doctor to make sure."

We took her to the doctor and we saw that she was pregnant again. Aria started jumping up and down. When we found out she was going to have a brother she got even more excited. We started talking about names and "Garfield" was the one that we all agreed on. When the time finally came to meet him Aria ran into the room after he was born. I sat next to her while holding him so she could look at him.

"I don't think she's ever smiled like that before."

"Hi Gar!!"

"Shh! Don't scream!"

He's not quiet at night. He wakes up multiple times through the night. When he wakes up Aria runs into his room. She stands on her toes and tries to get into his crib.

"You need sleep. You can't keep coming in here when he wakes you up."

"I wanna help!"

"You can help in the morning. You need to sleep."

She crossed her arms and started pouting. Gar was crying so I had to help him. I picked him up to see what he needed. I changed his diaper then went over to the bed we put in his room while holding him. I sat down and Aria sat next to me.

"See? He's okay. Go back to sleep."

"Shh! He's sleeping!"

"Don't shout. You'll wake him up. Go lay with mommy."

She started pouting.

"You're gonna be cranky in the morning."



She stomped away.

"Your sister is already obsessed with you. Maybe I should've let her help. I should stop talking now."

After a while I put him back in his crib and went back to bed.

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine." I said as I yawned.

I shut my eyes then went back to sleep.
Rosemary's POV
Instead of waking Mal up the next time I heard crying I went to take care of Garfield. When I got in his room I saw Aria trying to get into his crib,

"What are you doing little lady?"

"I wanna help!"

"Oh do you? He's probably hungry."

I picked him up.

"Come on. You can help me get a bottle ready for him."

We walked to the kitchen and I told her what we needed and what to do. After that she went to hand it to me.

"Bring it to the couch."

We walked over to the couch and sat down. She handed the bottle me and I started feeding Gar. Elizabeth woke up and came to sit with us. We let Malakai sleep since he got woken up in the middle of the night.

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