Chapter 29

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                            Malakai's POV
The next day Hailey showed up again. She started screaming at me. I just stood there annoyed.

"Are you done?"

She kept screaming. I pinched my nose bridge.

"You're so annoying. You really are Hailey. Why can't you just leave us alone?"


"Well she doesn't want to see you!"

She punched me. Adrian showed up shortly after.

"Hailey?! What are you doing?!"

"Malakai are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah. I'm good."

"Rose stay inside. You can't be stressed."

"I'm not stressed. I'm fine."

"I will be apart of that child's life!"

"No! You won't!"

"Don't piss me off young lady!"

"You don't want me to piss you off? Babe come here."

She grabbed my face and started kissing me. When she pulled back we just stared at Hailey.

"Oh I'm sorry. Did I piss you off?"

Hailey spit on me. I almost threw up. She pulled out a knife and brought it up to my face. Before I could do anything she quickly slashed my left cheek and a part of my lip. I managed to get the knife out of Hailey's hand.


My mouth immediately filled with a metallic taste. Rose gave me something to absorb my blood. I'm in so much fucking pain. My blood is dripping down my face.

"Can I see how bad it is?"

I moved my hand. Rose's eyes widened.

"Adrian call the cops. Make sure she doesn't leave."

"How bad is it?"

"I can see your teeth. I'll be right back. I gotta get her spit off you before I lose my lunch."

Rose got the spit off me. My right hand balled into a fist. I can feel my nails digging into my skin.

"Hi. My name's Adrian Holland. My uh mother just slashed my brother-in-law's face. My sister said that you can see his teeth. And my mother spit on him too."

"Rose this hurts."

"Talking is probably making it worse so shut up."

"Someone's coming."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Nobody move. I'm getting our phones and my keys."

I saw Rose grabbing her bag and putting stuff in it. She came back outside and locked the front door. Hailey heard that the cops were coming so she took off. She didn't get far. She got tackled close to  the house. I got taken to a hospital and Adrian followed since Rose was allowed to go in the ambulance with me. A cop was in there too and since I can't talk she told them what happened. I ended up getting a few layers of stitches in my lip and a few in my cheek. I got told what to eat and what not to eat. How to clean it and all of that crap. I got told to call if anything was wrong. I also was told to not talk as much.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this quiet before."

I crossed my arms.

"Stop pouting. It's only for a few days."

I went to eat something but the second it touched my mouth it stung.

"Son of a bitch!"

I put my head down on the table. I felt fingers going through my hair.

"It hurts to do anything." I said through my teeth.

"I'm sorry Mally. I wish I knew how to make you feel better. I'm sorry my mother did this."

"It's not....your fault...fuck this hurts!"

I sniffled.

"Are you crying?"



I stood up and walked upstairs.

Might as well get ready for bed.

"Why don't you try to eat something cold?"

I shrugged. I decided to try that but it still hurt like hell. Then I fell asleep. I heard  Rose on the phone with someone. I didn't think anything about it so I went back to sleep.

"Mally? Wake up. You gotta take your medication."


After I did that I went back to sleep. Rose was on her computer when I woke up.

"It's about time you woke up. You slept all day."

"Shit. I did?"


I guess it's a good thing I don't have to anything voice over related for a few weeks. In the middle of the night there was frantic knocking on the front door. Rose and I ran downstairs. Rose opened the door and there was Elizabeth.

"He-he's gonna get me!"


"The-the monster!"



She saw me and ran into my arms.

"He's dead."

"No he's not!"

"Hannah what the fuck happened?"

"I don't know. She woke up screaming."

She's shaking uncontrollably.

"Help me!"

"No one's getting you."

"I-I saw him!"

"Saw who?"

"She's talking about Alec."

"He's not dead! He showed up outside my room!"

"Listen. He's dead. He's never coming back."

She started covering her ears.


She fell to her knees. I sat down on the floor next to her.

"Nobody's gonna get you."

"I don't know what happened. She was doing so well."

"He's alive! I'm telling you he is!"

"He's not. I swear he's not."

"How do you know?!"

"I saw him laying there dead! He was lifeless!"

"Mal you gotta stop talking. You're gonna screw your lip up more! Don't give me that look mister! Put that finger down!"

"Please don't make me go home!"

"I guess she's staying here."

I slept on the couch with Elizabeth. Rose tried to but she got uncomfortable.

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