Chapter 12

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                       Rosemary's POV
"Who the hell are you?"

"A friend of Shane's. I'm Edward."

"St-stay away! No! No! MALAKAI!"

I screamed.

Malakai's POV
"Rose? ROSEMARY! Adrian help me with this door."

"You are NOT breaking any doors in this house!"

"Well... We kinda sorta have to."



We kicked the door in.

"Edward?! What the hell?!"


Rose got up and ran over to me. She hid behind me.

"You know him?"

"Unfortunately. Before he graduated he was my bully.."

"Looks like you're still short."

"Back off!"

"Want some advice? If she gets out of line then hit her."


I grabbed Rose's hand then we started running. We got outside and stopped to catch our breaths.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't...I don't know."

Both of her wrists now have a bruise on them.

"What did you do now?"

Rose hid behind me once again.

"You seriously need to back off Hailey!"

"No! I want to know what new lies are about to be said!"

"There's no new lies! There wasn't any to begin with!"

Adrian and the other two came outside. Adrian stood next to me to try to hide Rose more. Rose put her hands on my back. I put my arms behind my back so I could hold her that way. Everyone started yelling. I felt tugging on my shirt. I heard crying and shut my mouth. I turned around.

"Ma-make it stop...please..."

She covered her ears.

"Alright calm down!"

No one listened.


"I-I gotta go."

Rose let go of me and started running. Adrian and I ran after her.

"Where are you going?!"

"I-I gotta get away!"

"Mary slow down! You're gonna fall!"

I caught up to her right before she ran into the street. I grabbed her waist and pulled her onto the sidewalk.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?!"


"Stop! Calm down!"

"If you don't calm down I'm sticking you in a psych ward!"

I took my house key out then I put her on my back. Her arms went around my neck and her legs went around my waist.

"Can you tell my mom I'm bringing Rose home? I don't think it's smart to bring her back there. She's been through enough."

Rose started crying in my ear.

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