Chapter 5, Part VII

Start from the beginning

Ayane: And Daigo? (sniff) Sorry... for failing you.

Daigo: Ayane... Stop it! I still don't believe it... I...

Ayane: Daigo. This is for the best. I have to die for you. I have to die for you all. And I... I...

Daigo: Ayane-

Ayane: I'll never get to say it again, so...

She threw her arms around Daigo's shoulders, and leaned in for a kiss. Daigo returned the favour - locking his own arms around her waist, and pressing his own lips against her own.

Ayane: I love you... And I'll miss you.

Daigo: ...I don't want to let go...

Ayane then took a step back. And with tears in her eyes, she responded:

Ayane: You need to, Daigo. It's for the best.

Daigo: ...Okay then... Goodbye...

Kaori: Ayane. I hope your afterlife will be a peaceful one.

Souta: Well, I guess it's time to bid you farewell.

Umiko: I... I'll miss you, Ayane... (sob)

Kaiji: I guess you'll see them on the other side.

Ayane: Everyone... goodbye. (sob) It was a honour to be with you all.

Monokuma: Oh me, oh my! What a tragic ending for these star-crossed lovers! Upupupu!

Daigo: I won't let you kill her-

Monokuma: Too late! You spent your last moments with her, and time's ran out! Just let me get it over with!

Daigo: No...

Monokuma: Now then, let's give it everything we've got! IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!

Daigo: NO!

With that, the bear picked up his gavel and slammed it down on the button, once again activating the screen. A similar pixel animation played: Monokuma walked up to Ayane, and dragged her away - but uniquely, Daigo was shown as well, running after Monokuma to no avail. Indeed, without any resistance, the chain appeared to clamp itself around her neck and drag her off to her demise.

Daigo ran off after her, and the doors blocked both of them out of sight.



The Guilty Verdict: Ultimate Prosecutor, Ayane Mitsurugi: Executed

A gigantic Monokuma, clad in a judge's wig and red robe, was slamming an equally gigantic gavel repeatedly at the end of a fairly narrow, slow-moving conveyor belt. On the belt was a classroom chair, being moved along towards the gavel until it would inevitably be crushed underneath it. And tied to that chair was none other than Ayane.

She was squirming and struggling, anxiously looking back with her teary eyes towards the mechanism that would end her life. But... was there some glimmer of hope for her? At the start of the conveyor belt, on the opposite side of Monokuma and the gavel, were a pair of courtroom doors. Suddenly, they flung themselves open, and Daigo ran out of them as fast as he could towards Ayane - almost certainly to remove her restraints and get her out before it was too late.

His hopes were crushed in a heartbeat though: the conveyor belt sped up in response, and before he knew it she was directly underneath the shadow of the gavel, right as it was about to fall once again. Daigo must have known by now that saving Ayane was impossible without getting himself killed, as his face of pure despair betrayed to me, but he couldn't help but at least try. One moment, he reached out his hand with a final scream for Monokuma to cease his madness.

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