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The fly there was silent with it being so early in the morning.

"Good morning my prince." The plump lady at the stall greets us before bowing down.

"Good morning." I greet back trying to hold in my yawn. "These arrangements look lovely." I motion to the colorful flowers all on display.

The woman behind the counter couldn't hide her smile at my compliment. She whispers a thank you before piping up. "What can I help you with today?"

"Well I'm not so good at arrangements myself, my father and I need three hundred bouquets by next week. Is that too soon?" I ask starting to feel guilt wash over me. I wish my father asked me to do this task sooner. Three hundred bouquets was a lot to accomplish in so little time.

I watch as her smile drops and her cheeks redden. "I- Of course my prince." She stammers and gives me a big fake smile. I could feel the anxiety radiating off of her.

This was too much work. It isn't fair.

"I can help for today?" I offer and her eyes widen.

"My prince I couldn't ask you to do that!" She gasps and takes a step backward.

"You're not asking I'm offering." I huff out before stepping behind the counter with her.

"What's your name?" I ask. And she looks nervous. Usually, royalty never spoke to the lower-class villagers. Per the king's rules. I was going to change that.

"Camille." She says brightly. Her aged features relax and she gives me a soft smile. "You will make a wonderful future king my prince."

I choose to disregard what she says, the thoughts of me becoming a future king moreover started to haunt me. Changing the subject, "How do I do this?" I motion to the flowers.

The woman looks excited to show me. This must be her passion, I'm happy she got to follow her dreams.

"Baby's breath gets paired with the yellow roses. The lavender gets paired with the pink roses. You can pass those to me and then I'll tape them." She explains and I get to work. The flowers were fresh and full of life.

I lay out my pattern of white baby's breath and yellow roses. Matching it with pink roses and leather leaves.

We work alongside each other in peaceful silence, I moved quickly with only Lia on my mind. When was she not? But, before I know it the sun sets behind the mountain.

"My prince you are the most delightful future king. I'm honored to be in your village!" She bows in respect.

"Happy to help, hopefully, this is a good start for you. If you need more assistance I can send one of my maids." I say.

She opens her mouth to speak before she's interrupted by a loud howl.

"Mommy!" We turn our heads in the direction of the sound. A small boy with white hair and bright yellow eyes comes running up to her. He had small white wings and reddened cheeks from the cold.

She kneels and scoops the happy boy in her arms. Holding him tight with pure love. This sight made me miss my mother.

A short man comes walking up soon after holding a box. "I brought you some dinner. Your favorite." He smiles before pecking her on the lips and looking into her eyes adoringly.

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