My eyes go wide as I stare at him, wishing this was some very realistic nightmare that I hoped to wake up from.

"Mr. and Mrs. Romano, it's good to see you again." He walked up to say hello to them both. Mami looks at me with wide eyes, and I see the resemblance in our green eyes and dark eyelashes. I shake my head, ready to pinch myself, and once I did, I was in the same spot.

So this wasn't a sick dream.

"Lorenzo?" Mami asked, surprised at how different he looked. Tattooed, taller, billionaire. "It is really good to see you again!" She hugs him, and he hugs her back.

They engage in conversation while I stand behind my kitchen island, observing.

Twenty minutes later, my mother joins me. "You knew he was here, didn't you?" I said, drinking the rest of the red wine in my glass.

She said nothing.

"How'd you know?"

"Blair and I talk sometimes." She shrugged, and I look at her in disbelief.

"Since when do you and Blair talk?"

"Since forever. I just wanted to see for myself. Are you two a thing again?" She pressed.

"You know we were never a thing. Just a crush."

She looked at me like she knew I was lying. She always said I have a tell, but whenever I asked what it was, she'd never tell me.

"A crush thad ended in heartbreak. We all knew, we just wanted to wait until you were ready to tell us."

Our conversation was cut short by a phone call Lorenzo got, and he rushed out of my apartment in a hurry, and soon enough, both of my parents followed, but not before Mami gave me a knowing look.

I was left alone with only my thoughts.

Six years ago

Enzo and I just got back to my place from a Halloween party. It was fun showing up in a mask, and being together in public without judgment from anyone.

"Did you see Chloe Enger's costume?" I kicked off my shoes while Enzo is sitting on my bed, admiring me. "Her costume wasn't even the worst part. She was flirting with you." I strip off my tights, leaving my mini skirt and jacket on.

"I wasn't paying her any mind." He says, his eyes still locked on mine. "She's like..a worm compared to you."

"A worm?" I say sarcastically, but with a smile. I walk to where he's sitting on the edge of my bed, and stand in between his legs while his hands are on my thighs.

"A worm." He confirms, looking up at me. I start to play in his wild curls, feeling him relax against my stomach. "You keep me sane." He whispers, still laying against me.

"Ironic, because you make me crazy." I say, getting lost in his luscious, dark curls. Seriously, what does he use? I make a mental note to ask him another time.

He backs away, and looks up at me with his soft, brown eyes. "You had the best costume there tonight."

"I know." I say, cockily, along with a small smirk.

"The only thing that kept me from making a scene was the fact that you'd be here tonight—" His thumbs curl up under my skirt, taking it off of me— "with me."

Chills run down my spine, and my breathing increases. "Are your parents home?" He asks, now unzipping my jacket.

I swallow the lump in my throat, "no."

"Good." He grins, and pulls me on top of him as we lay on the bed together.

He kisses my naked stomach, going lower. "Enzo?" I say, almost in a whisper.

"Yes?" He says in between kisses.

"Please don't leave me."

He stops, and looks up at me. "I won't ever leave you, sweet girl."


Two chapters back to back. You're welcome. The part where Love curses at her mother was hard to write, mine would've slapped the piss out of me. #HispanicMomIRL

This was mostly to give you guys more insight on Love's character. My poor girl. My conspiracy is she actually did kill Joshua, and her parents covered it up. *mischievous laugh*

Vote and comment!

With all my love, L

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