49 - Hedge Kicks an Evil Sea Goddess in the Head

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Kate got them past the ticket queue and into the aquarium with no problem.

"Right this way." Kate grinned at Percy. "It's a wonderful exhibit. You won't be disappointed. So rare we get VIPs."

"Uh, you mean demigods?" Frank asked.

Kate winked at him impishly and put a finger to her mouth. "So over here is the cold-water experience, with your penguins and beluga whales and whatnot. And over there...well, those are some fish, obviously."

"Really?" Anne gasped dramatically. "Never would've guessed."

Kate ignored her. For an aquarium worker, she didn't seem to know much or care much about the smaller fish. They passed one huge tank full of tropical species, and when Frank pointed to a particular fish and asked what it was, Kate said, "Oh, those are the yellow ones."

They passed the gift shop. Frank slowed down to check out a clearance table with clothes and toys.

"Take what you want," Kate told him.

Frank blinked. "Really?"

"Of course! You're a VIP!"

Frank hesitated. Then he stuffed some T-shirts in his backpack.

"Dude," Percy said, "what are you doing?"

"She said I could," Frank whispered. "Besides, I need more clothes. I didn't pack for a long trip!"

He added a snow globe to his stash, which didn't seem like clothing to Anne. Shrugging, Anne joined him in his gift shop raid. She picked up a fuzzy, pillow-like penguin with sparkly, beady eyes.

"What's this?" she asked Percy and Frank.

"Stuffed animal?" Frank said.

Anne was horrified. "They stuffed an animal? With what?"

"No, it's made from, like, fabric, and stuff," Percy said hurriedly. "Then they stuff it with cotton balls."

"This doesn't seem very lifelike. I don't think penguins have bright green feathers."

"It's a toy, Anne."

Anne studied the stuffed penguin. "I suppose it is quite adorable." She stuffed it into her bag. "Will that be all?"

Frank picked up a braided cylinder about the size of a candy bar. He squinted at it. "What is—?"

"Chinese handcuffs," Percy said.

Frank, who was Chinese Canadian, looked offended. "How is this Chinese?"

"I don't know," Percy said. "That's just what it's called. It's like a gag gift."

"Come along, boys!" Kate called from across the hall.

"I'll show you later," Percy promised.

Frank stuffed the handcuffs in his backpack, and they kept walking.

They passed through an acrylic tunnel. Fish swam over their heads, and it felt like they were underwater.

"Fascinating," Anne said. "Technology continues to amaze me."

They emerged in a viewing room awash with blue light. On the other side of a glass wall was the biggest aquarium tank Percy had ever seen. Cruising in circles were dozens of huge fish, including two spotted sharks, each twice Percy's size. They were fat and slow, with open mouths and no teeth.

"Whale sharks," Coach Hedge growled. "Now we shall battle to the death!"

Kate giggled. "Silly satyr. Whale sharks are peaceful. They only eat plankton."

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