8 - We Find a Giant Metal Dragon

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Leo followed Rebecca towards the forest.

What had he been thinking? He'd stood up in front of a bunch of stronger, braver demigods and volunteered—volunteered—for a mission that would probably get him killed.

He hadn't mentioned seeing Tía Callida, his old babysitter, but as soon as he'd heard about Jason's vision—the lady in the black dress and shawl—Leo knew it was the same woman. Tía Callida was Hera. His evil babysitter was the queen of the gods. Stuff like that could really deep-fry your brain.

He trudged toward the woods and tried not to think about his childhood—all the messed-up things that had led to his mother's death. But he couldn't help it.

They were almost to the woods when he imagined Tía Callida's voice: It wasn't your fault, little hero. Our enemy wakes. It's time to stop running.

"Hera," Leo muttered, "you're not even here, are you? You're in a cage somewhere."

There was no answer from Hera. Rebecca, however, frowned at him like she was questioning his sanity.

"You alright there, Valdez?" she asked.

"Just peachy," Leo said. At least Leo understood something. Hera had been watching him his entire life. Somehow, she'd known that one day she would need him. Maybe those Fates she mentioned could tell the future. Leo wasn't sure. But he knew he was meant to go on this quest. Jason's prophecy warned them to beware the earth, and Leo knew it had something to do with that sleeping woman in the shop, wrapped in robes of shifting dirt.

You'll find your destiny, Tía Callida had promised, and your hard journey will finally make sense.

Leo might find out what that flying boat in his dreams meant. He might meet his father, or even get to avenge his mother's death.

But first things first. He'd promised Jason a flying ride.

He glanced back at the lights of the cabins. He could turn around now and tell everyone he'd been joking. Psych! Nyssa could go on the quest instead. He could stay at camp and learn to be part of the Hephaestus cabin, but he wondered how long it would be before he looked like his bunkmates—sad, dejected, convinced of his own bad luck.

They cannot stop me from breaking your spirit, the sleeping woman had said. Remember this night, little hero, when they ask you to oppose me.

"Believe me, lady," Leo muttered, "I remember. And whoever you are, I'm gonna face-plant you hard, Leo-style."

"What?" Rebecca asked.

"Nothing," Leo muttered. Rebecca gave him another "Okay, weirdo" face and led the way into the woods. Leo wasn't paying much attention to where he was going, he was so busy wondering how he and Rebecca were going to find this metal dragon.

"Valdez," Rebecca said, snapping Leo out of his thoughts. "There are trees in these woods."

That sounded pretty obvious, and Leo was about to say so, when he noticed that he'd been about to walk into one of them.

"Oh," he said. "Thanks."

He suddenly became aware of how many roots there were in the woods. He tripped over every single one of them, which was kind of embarrassing. But if Rebecca was annoyed by his clumsiness, she didn't show it.

Rebecca studied him, which was something Leo was used to. He used to think she was staring at him and he'd joke about how attractive she thought he was, but now he figured she was trying to find out what he was thinking or something.

"You're sure you're okay?" She asked.

"Yeah," Leo said. Rebecca raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Okay, fine, today has been a little crazy."

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