22 - Jason Meets His Big Sis

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"We need to talk," Piper said.

Rebecca looked up at her. She'd gotten nowhere with Atretes. He refused to call off the life debt, so Rebecca, cold and frustrated, returned to the warm fire and sat next to Cleodora. With determination, she avoided Leo's eyes and ignored his apologetic looks.

"I don't want to hide anything from you anymore," Piper continued. "Three nights before the Grand Canyon trip, I had a dream vision."

"What's the Grand Canyon?" Cleodora whispered to Rebecca.

"I'll tell you in a bit," Rebecca replied.

"It was a giant, telling me that my father had been taken hostage," Piper said. "He told me I had to cooperate, or my dad would be killed."

The flames crackled. Rebecca now understood why her friend had been so uneasy this whole quest. Carrying that luggage around, it was no wonder she'd seemed so miserable. With a pang of guilt, Rebecca wondered if Piper had thought she herself was the gilded traitor turned loyal.

Finally Jason said, "Enceladus? You mentioned that name before."

Cleodora uttered a small gasp. Apparently she'd heard of Enceladus.

"Cleodora, what do you know about Enceladus?" Rebecca asked.

Cleodora shuddered before answering. "Enceladus is a fire-breathing giant. I have never seen him in person, but I have heard terrible things about him. He is cunning and strategic, designed to oppose Athena."

"Not somebody I'd want barbecuing my daddy goat," Hedge added.

Rebecca gave him a shut up look. "Piper, go on. What happened next?"

"I -- I tried to reach my dad, but all I got was his personal assistant, and she told me not to worry."

"Jane?" Leo remembered, Didn't Medea say something about controlling her?"

Piper nodded. "To get my dad back, I had to sabotage this quest. I didn't realize it would be the four of us. Then after we started this quest, Enceladus sent me another warning: He told me he wanted Leo and Jason dead, and Rebecca captured. He wants me to lead you to a mountain. I don't know which one, but it's in the Bay Area -- I could see the Golden Gate Bridge from the summit. I have to be there by noon on the solstice, tomorrow. An exchange."

She hung her head, obviously expecting someone to yell at her. Instead, Jason scooted closer to her and hugged her. "God, Piper. I'm so sorry."

"You didn't have to keep this to yourself," Rebecca said.

Leo nodded. "No kidding. You've been carrying this around for a week? Piper, we could help you."

Piper glared at him. "Why don't you yell at me or something? I was ordered to kill you!"

"Yeah, you've saved us on this quest. I'd put my life in your hands any day."

"Same," Leo said. "Can I get a hug, too?"

Cleodora hesitantly wrapped her arms around Leo. The son of Hephaestus froze, looking stunned. Rebecca felt a quick pang of envy, then mentally scolded herself for it. Why did she care whether a girl hugged Leo?

Don't worry, said a voice in her head. Cleodora's obviously not into Leo.

Shut up, Rebecca replied. I don't care.

"I don't know you," Cleodora said to Piper, jarring Rebecca out of her thoughts, "But I trust anyone my half-sister does." She smiled so brightly at Rebecca that it was impossible not to smile back.

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